It is believed that in the 1700s in Europe life expectancy at birth was only around 40 years. That is, a newborn baby could expect on average to live 40 years. IT is also known that child mortality was extremely high. Maybe, as many as 50% of all babies did not make it to their fifth birthday.
(a) Compare the median life span to the expected life span
(b) Were people old at 35?
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Theaverage life of a baby is 40 years
Whereas, the median life of a baby is given to be 5 years.
The median life span is way lower than the average life span of baby.
b. No. Since average is way more than median it means that there were a lot of babies who lived more than 40 years , and they averaged all babies average age to 40 . So, these babies would have lived far more than 40 years. Thus a value less than 40 ( 35 in our case) would not be considered a old person.
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