The predicted response value is which of these?
Select one:
a. The response value observed for a particular data
b. The response value that would be predicted for a given x
value, based on the model
c. The difference between (the response value observed for a
particular data point) and (the response value that would be
predicted for a given x value, based on the model)
d. The sum of (the response value observed for a particular
data point) and (the response value that would be predicted for a
given x value, based on the model)
The predicted response value is which?
Select one:
a. The response value observed for a particular data
b. The response value that would be predicted for a given x
value, based on the model
c. The sum of (the response value observed for a particular
data point) and (the response value that would be predicted for a
given x value, based on the model)
d. The difference between (the response value observed for a
particular data point) and (the response value that would be
predicted for a given x value, based on the model)
What is not a valid transformation?
Select one:
a. y-squared
b. natural log of y
c. e to the power of y
d. cosine of y
Which of the following about p-value is true?
Select one:
a. P-value is significant at .95 and above
b. P-value is significant at .01 and below
c. P-value is significant at .90 and above
d. P-value is significant at .01 and above
Consider: revenues = 37.69 + 1.23 x marketing dollars
Which of the following is a correct interpretation?