SPSS signifies "Factual Package for the Social Sciences" and
was first propelled in 1968.
SPSS is programming for altering and dissecting a wide range of
These information may originate from fundamentally any source:
logical research, a client database, Google Analytics or even the
server log records of a site.
SPSS can open all document organizes that are usually utilized
for organized information, for example,
spreadsheets from MS Excel or OpenOffice;
plain content documents (.txt or .csv);
social (SQL) databases;
Stata and SAS.
SPSS is a great PC program broadly utilized in the scholarly
network for doing progressed factual examination of information for
research and different ventures.
This commonsense workshop will acquaint you with utilizing SPSS
for your own measurable examination.
Support in the workshops 'Insights 1 - getting ready for your
venture' and 'Measurements 2 - investigating your information' is
suggested in the event that you likewise require help with
information accumulation and examination.
Set-up information records adequately to expand
Import information from Microsoft Excel and different
Control factors (figuring new factors and recoding)
Ascertain illustrative measurements and factual tests, for
example, t-tests and ANOVAs
Work proficiently with huge datasets
Utilize SPSS's customizing dialect (punctuation)
Work with different reaction information
Work with SPSS yield and exchange tables/diagrams to Microsoft