if we make a linear regression model and we got low r2 we look to the casewise daignostic information of the set of points that having st. deviation for example 2 and more, and we have the folloing information case number, std.residual, dependent value, predicted value and risudual. which case number delete first to got a max.r2 regression model
look to image
Casewise Diagnosticsa,
N/ Std. Residual /RT /Predicted Value/ Residual
8 2.445 .86000 .5123167 .34768325
14 2.211 .88000 .5655977 .31440228
53 -2.129 .21000 .5127622 -.30276217
96 2.237 .91300 .5948380 .31816197
126 2.151 .81000 .5041431 .30585693
134 2.174 .80600 .4968071 .30919294
155 -2.028 .24700 .5354094 -.28840936
188 -2.005 .24700 .5321719 -.28517186
228 -2.058 .24200 .5347141 -.29271412
236 -2.057 .21000 .5025825 -.29258252
244 -2.023 .21200 .4997483 -.28774833
246 2.102 .83600 .5371107 .29888933
259 2.375 .85600 .5182902 .33770981
271 2.399 .91100 .5697906 .34120940
305 -2.034 .28000 .5692569 -.28925695
320 2.275 .94600 .6224150 .32358496
326 2.130 .84200 .5391055 .30289446
393 2.152 .87000 .5639231 .30607686
400 2.337 .87300 .5407160 .33228400
401 -2.038 .27700 .5668742 -.28987422
516 2.330 .91300 .5815944 .33140562
543 2.218 .80600 .4905374 .31546256
544 2.086 .80600 .5093900 .29661003
642 2.028 .77300 .4846380 .28836200
650 2.078 .88500 .5895640 .29543602
673 2.268 .88000 .5575039 .32249609
694 2.242 .87600 .5572246 .31877543
696 2.085 .87700 .5804693 .29653065
763 2.275 .80700 .4834668 .32353318
765 -2.044 .31700 .6077117 -.29071171
775 2.328 .88000 .5488906 .33110944
798 2.397 .84000 .4990831 .34091690
a Dependent Variable: RT
b Linear Regression through the Origin
question can we use b and remove constant from the eq. to have good r^2 explain please
casewise results give the cases which are 2 or more standard deviations away from the mean. so these cn be treated as outliers. clearly such residuals will lower the R^2 value. So we should remove these cases and rerun the model for a better R^2
besides the number of such cases seem to be less than 5% so we need not worry about data loss
rember just remve the row number given by N in the above table
Regression through orgin makes sense only when we can see that y=0 when x=0 makes sense for the data at hand. It may increase or decrease the r^2 depending on the data. For example if you were predicitng stopping distance of a car which speed. if spped is 0 stopping distnace should be zero.
In this case, we should run a lm test to compare models with and without intercept. Just a casewise regression would not work
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