What the mean and Standard Deviation (SD) of the Close column in your data set?
c) If a person bought 1 share of Google stock within the last year, what is the probability that the stock on that day closed at less than the mean for that year? Hint: You do not want to calculate the mean to answer this one. The probability would be the same for any normal distribution. (5 points) 0.5
Close |
1044.68994 |
1077.15002 |
1080.96997 |
1089.90002 |
1098.26001 |
1070.52002 |
1075.56995 |
1073.90002 |
1090.98999 |
1070.07996 |
1060.62 |
1089.06006 |
1116.37 |
1110.75 |
1132.80005 |
1145.98999 |
1115.22998 |
1098.70996 |
1095.06006 |
1095.01001 |
1121.37 |
1120.16003 |
1121.67004 |
1113.65002 |
1118.56006 |
1113.80005 |
1096.96997 |
1110.37 |
1109.40002 |
1115.13001 |
1116.05005 |
1119.92004 |
1140.98999 |
1147.80005 |
1162.03003 |
1157.85999 |
1143.30005 |
1142.31995 |
1175.76001 |
1193.19995 |
1193.31995 |
1185.55005 |
1184.45996 |
1184.26001 |
1198.84998 |
1223.96997 |
1231.54004 |
1205.5 |
1193 |
1184.62 |
1173.02002 |
1168.48999 |
1173.31006 |
1194.43005 |
1200.48999 |
1205.92004 |
1215 |
1207.15002 |
1203.83997 |
1197.25 |
1202.16003 |
1204.62 |
1217.87 |
1221.09998 |
1227.13001 |
1236.33997 |
1236.37 |
1248.83997 |
1264.55005 |
1256 |
1263.44995 |
1272.18005 |
1287.57996 |
1188.47998 |
1168.07996 |
1162.60999 |
1185.40002 |
1189.39002 |
1174.09998 |
1166.27002 |
1162.38001 |
1164.27002 |
1132.03003 |
1120.43994 |
1164.20996 |
1178.97998 |
1162.30005 |
1138.84998 |
1149.63001 |
1151.42004 |
1140.77002 |
1133.46997 |
1134.15002 |
1116.45996 |
1117.94995 |
1103.63001 |
1036.22998 |
1053.05005 |
1042.21997 |
1044.33997 |
1066.04004 |
1080.38001 |
1078.71997 |
1077.03003 |
1088.77002 |
1085.34998 |
1092.5 |
1103.59998 |
1102.32996 |
1111.42004 |
1121.88001 |
1115.52002 |
1086.34998 |
1079.80005 |
1076.01001 |
1080.91003 |
1097.94995 |
1111.25 |
1121.57996 |
1131.58997 |
1116.34998 |
1124.82996 |
1140.47998 |
1144.20996 |
1144.90002 |
1150.33997 |
1153.57996 |
1146.34998 |
1146.32996 |
1130.09998 |
1138.06995 |
1146.20996 |
1137.81006 |
1132.12 |
1250.41003 |
1239.41003 |
1225.14002 |
1216.68005 |
1209.01001 |
1193.98999 |
1152.31995 |
1169.94995 |
1173.98999 |
1204.80005 |
1188.01001 |
1174.70996 |
1197.27002 |
1164.29004 |
1167.26001 |
1177.59998 |
1198.44995 |
1182.68994 |
1191.25 |
1189.53003 |
1151.29004 |
1168.89002 |
1167.83997 |
1171.02002 |
1192.84998 |
1188.09998 |
1168.39002 |
1181.41003 |
1211.38001 |
1204.93005 |
1204.41003 |
1206 |
1220.17004 |
1234.25 |
1239.56006 |
1231.30005 |
1229.15002 |
1232.41003 |
1238.70996 |
1229.93005 |
1234.03003 |
1218.76001 |
1246.52002 |
1241.39002 |
1225.08997 |
1219 |
1205.09998 |
1176.63001 |
1187.82996 |
1209 |
1207.68005 |
1189.13001 |
1202.31006 |
1208.67004 |
1215.44995 |
1217.14002 |
1243.01001 |
1243.64002 |
1253.06995 |
1245.48999 |
1246.15002 |
1242.80005 |
1259.13001 |
1260.98999 |
1265.13001 |
1290 |
1262.62 |
1261.29004 |
1260.10999 |
1273.73999 |
1291.37 |
1292.03003 |
1291.80005 |
1308.85999 |
1311.37 |
1299.18994 |
1298.80005 |
1298 |
1311.45996 |
1334.87 |
1320.69995 |
1315.45996 |
1303.05005 |
1301.34998 |
1295.33997 |
1306.68994 |
1313.55005 |
1312.98999 |
1304.95996 |
1289.92004 |
1295.28003 |
1320.54004 |
1328.13001 |
1340.62 |
1343.56006 |
1344.66003 |
1345.02002 |
1350.27002 |
1347.82996 |
1361.17004 |
1355.12 |
1352.62 |
1356.04004 |
1349.58997 |
1348.83997 |
1343.56006 |
1360.40002 |
1351.89002 |
1336.14002 |
1337.02002 |
1367.37 |
1360.66003 |
1394.20996 |
1393.33997 |
1404.31995 |
1419.82996 |
1429.72998 |
Part 6: First quartile=1132.460025, 2nd Quartile=1189.39002, 3rd quartile=1247.679995.
Part 7:
From histogram, we see that the distribution of the data is rightly skewed and bell shaped. However it is closed to symmetric. So we can approximate it by normal distribution.
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