The principal of Paul Revere High School bragged that his
2016 graduating class of 1500 students achieved impressive scores
on their ACT exams. He announced that an “astounding” 36% of the
class got a score of 29 or higher, 54% got a score of 21 to 28, and
only 10% less than 21. You want to test whether these ACT results
are really that astounding. You visit the ACT website to see that
the national results are 34% getting a score over 28, 58% getting
21 to 28, and 8% less than 21. Test whether or not the principal is
correct to brag that his proportions were more impressive than the
national performance. Use an alpha of .05.
To the nearest hundredth, what is the calculated value for
chi-square in this example?