ECO 4421 Assignment 1
Consider the following simple regression model of housing prices:
Pricei = β1 + β2Sqfti + ui
Price = the sale price of a house (in $)
Sqft = the size of a house (in square feet)
The file br2.dta contains data on the sales of 1080 houses sold in Louisiana during June 2005. The data include information on the sale price of a house, the square feet in the house, as well as other information about the property sold. This assignment uses data only for the Price and Sqft variables.
use "/Users/br2.dta"
. summarize price sqft
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
price | 1,080 154863.2 122912.8 22000 1580000
sqft | 1,080 2325.938 1008.098 662 7897
. correlate price sqft
| price sqft
price | 1.0000
sqft | 0.7607 1.0000
. correlate price sqft, covariance
| price sqft
price | 1.5e+10
sqft | 9.4e+07 1.0e+06
. regress price sqft
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 1,080
-------------+---------------------------------- F(1, 1078) = 1480.43
Model | 9.4326e+12 1 9.4326e+12 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 6.8685e+12 1,078 6.3715e+09 R-squared = 0.5786
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.5783
Total | 1.6301e+13 1,079 1.5108e+10 Root MSE = 79822
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
sqft | 92.74737 2.410502 38.48 0.000 88.01757 97.47718
_cons | -60861.46 6110.187 -9.96 0.000 -72850.67 -48872.25
. predict yhat
(option xb assumed; fitted values)
. set obs 1081
number of observations (_N) was 1,080, now 1,081
. replace sqft = 3800 in 1081
(1 real change made)
. predict yhat1
(option xb assumed; fitted values)
. list sqft yhat1 in 1081
| sqft yhat1 |
1081. | 3800 291578.6 |
2. Written assignment
Answer the following questions:
a. What is the average sale price of a house in the sample? What is the average size of a
house in the sample? What are the estimated covariance and correlation coefficients
between Price and Sqft? What do the covariance and correlation coefficients suggest
about the relationship between the sale price of a house and its size?
b. Report (in equation format) the estimated regression obtained above by applying the
Stata software.
c. What are the values of the estimated slope coefficient and the estimated intercept
d. Interpret the estimated slope coefficient.
e. Is the sign of the estimated slope coefficient consistent with your expectations about
the relationship between the sale price of a house and its size?
f. Is the estimated intercept coefficient a meaningful estimate? Why or why not?
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