How many ways can the letters STREETS be placed in recognizably different orders?
STREETA CAN BE placed recognizably different order in 630 different ways. As 7 letters. Arrange in order with 7 factorial since here identical two S's, two T's and two E's
so divide 7 factorial by (2 factirial *2 factorial *2 factorial,) =630
2) when order begins with T then One T is fix at 1st poation than there remains 6 letters aarnge them where only 2 identical letters two S's and two E's here we get 180 orders possible=6 factorial divide by (2 factorial *2 factorial)
3) when Two Es are adjacent than by taking two EE AS a single letters than there only 6 letters to orders with identical values two T's and two S's here we get 180 orders possible =6 factorial divide by (2 factorial *2 factorial)
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