It is a widely accepted option to place you child in the care of a daycare center, but recent research suggests long-term participation might have unanticipated consequences. One benefit of daycare shows little difference of strength of parental attachment bonds and it might even enhance some aspects of development. On the other hand, some research points in a less positive direction. An infant could feel less secure in an area with multiple infants around. Also, the more hours children spend outside the home show a lower ability to work independently and have less effective time management skills. The newest research conducted focuses on preschoolers finds that children that spend at least ten hours in care outside of the home a week will have an increased probability of being disruptive in class. Whether the child is cared for by parents or a daycare, the constant critical is the quality of care the child is receiving (Feldman,p.146-147). Personally I understand the appeals of daycare and see how it is necessary in some situations. I would like to have as much of a helping hand in raising my children as much as possible though. If I wasn't allowed to have the time to spend with them, I'd most likely look for a relative or a close friend that i felt i could trust. I'd want to raise the infant as much as possible in the early stages up to probably about three years of age and then look to put the child in a daycare of some sort for maybe six hours or so a week in order to start preparing for preschool. This is just one point of view though and if i had a child I would make a joint decision with the other party involved
Since nobody in the world can be more sincere, genuine, loving and care to the kids than the parents themselves, my personal take on this view is; that parents should give full attention to their children instead of sending them to the daycare center.
A baby will be more confident if it grows with its parents around. There is a possibility of sexual harassment as well of the child when it is being raised in a daycare. The child will socialize more with the mother and father than anybody else.
Personal hygiene will be taken care off in a better way if the child is at home. Further, a child who grows in his familiar surroundings i.e. the home will be more confident. Thus if; the household can afford it is always better to raise kids in the company of their parent, the best well-wishers they can have.
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