The reflected appraisal process is considered one of the
influences on the development of self-concept. The term refers to a
process where we imagine how other people see us. In many
instances, the way we believe others perceive us is the way we
perceive ourselves.
There are a number of different factors that can influence how
strongly this reflected appraisal can impact an individual's
self-assessments. For example, people tend to be more affected by
judgments delivered by someone deemed highly credible. Imagine that
you are an aspiring artist and that you are having your first
gallery show at a local university.
One of your most esteemed mentors looks at your work and
delivers a glowing review. Since you see this individual as a
highly credible source, the compliment will carry much more weight
than if it was delivered by a random stranger off the street.
Self-verification theory proposes that people want others to
see them as they see themselves. For example, those who see
themselves as relatively dominant want others to see them as
dominant, and those who see themselves as relatively submissive
want others to recognize them as submissive.Self-verification is a
social psychological theory that asserts people want to be known
and understood by others according to their firmly held beliefs and
feelings about themselves, that is self-views.
Self-presentation refers to how people attempt to present
themselves to control or shape how others (called the audience)
view them. Self-presentation is part of a broader set of behaviors
called impression management. Impression management refers to the
controlled presentation of information about all sorts of things,
including information about other people or events.
Self-presentation refers specifically to information about the
When one sees themselves in a certain way and holds specific
views and ideas about certain things,thats how one presents
themselves to the world. When we present ourselves as a strong
minded individual thats how people perceive us since we want them
to perceive us in that manner.
When we think people perceive us in a certain way,we think of
ourselves like that and also present us in that manner.In order,to
verify what others perceive us that we tend to express beliefs and
behave that creates that desired impression on others. So,thats how
all three are interlinked to each other.