
Reading Assignment Read the recommended book for this course, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg....

Reading Assignment

Read the recommended book for this course, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

Answer the following questions.

Briefly describe how a habit is formed. Do not just list. Describe. There are the 3 main steps that need to be identified

The Habits of Individuals

The habits of successful organizations

THe habits of societies

. Explain each one and how the loop works. You will also need to identify the 4th step which is vitally important in having this new change “stick” and become habit. Include a story of how this loop has been a part of a certain behavior in your life (each step). Be thorough.

Choose one of the author's stories that really caught your attention. Explain why it stood out in your mind. List and expand upon a minimum of 2 things that you learned from reading this particular story that increase your understanding of creating or changing habits.

Explain the LATTE method. Tell me why this would be a very valuable tool for everyone to practice, no matter what their professional position. Choose a profession in the health field and imagine that you are employed as that professional. Explain how you would use the LATTE method in that position.

Consider a friend or family member who has unhealthy habits. Choose one. Answer the following questions.

Whom did you choose?

What behavior stands out as the most important one for them to change?

How might you get them to contemplate changing this behavior?

Help them define their goal. Remember SMART. Write an example of how you feel the goal could be stated.

List the reasons why you feel they need to change their behavior and what are the benefits/pros, you feel they will experience by making this change.

What would their habit loop look like? You know this person, so you should be able to make a good guess as to what it might be and to share it with them.

Let’s assume that you can get this person motivated enough be begin this process. Once again, you know this person fairly well, so………

What will be some of the potential barriers to success that they will need to be aware of? List a minimum of 3, along with how they could deal with these barriers.

List a minimum of 10 steps that you would suggest for them to take which would help them to achieve their goal? Don’t forget to include their environment.

How will you convince them of the importance of keeping a log/journal?

What would be some of the information that you would suggest they include in their daily journal?

Since you know this person, what would be some ideas for rewards that you would have them consider?

Assuming that they will succeed in reaching their goal, tell me how you will explain maintenance to them; impressing upon them how important certain steps are during this phase. Rereading the “Afterward” in the book might help with this area.

Keep in mind, that this information should be written/explained in a way where you could actually hand it to the person in order to give them a head start on a plan.

This assignment does not have a required length; however, it must be typed and it must be as thorough as possible.


Homework Answers

Answer #1

1.Q how a habit formed ?

A: Formation. Habit formation is the process by which a behavior, through regular repetition, becomes automatic or habitual. ... As the habit is forming, it can be analysed in three parts: the cue, the behavior, and the reward. The cue is the thing that causes the habit to come about, the trigger of the habitual behavior.

definition :”Habits, scientists say, emerge because the brain is constantly looking for ways to save effort. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often. This effort-saving instinct is a huge advantage.”

3 main steps :

1a. The Habits of Individuals :

Duhigg explains that once a habit is well established, essentially, your brain takes a back seat in the decision making. It takes the opportunity to rest or can use this time to focus on something new. What happens is an automation, you instinctively do a task without much thought or conscious decision. And this will continue unless you make the deliberate decision to fight back against the habit.

Duhigg explains that habits are here to stay, they never truly disappear. This is because they are literally encoded in the brain. He explains that this is actually a huge advantage. The issue with this arises because your brain doesn’t have the ability to differentiate between the good habits you’d like to maintain and the bad ones you’d ideally like to drop. This is why Duhigg explains, you can find yourself divulging in a bad habit again, even when you thought you’d overcome it. They are always there, ready to come out at any time.

duhigg points out that although this automation may seem appealing, the fact that the brain depends on these automations can actually be pretty detrimental to our lifestyles.

1b. The habits of successful organizations :

A keystone habit is something that has the power to influence how we work, eat, play, live, spend money and communicate. Duhigg explains the importance of keystone habits and their ability to encourage a chain reaction. This is particularly influential in organisations and places of business. The habits that trigger the chain reaction move through an organisation influencing other habits as they go.

”Keystone habits start a process that, over time, transforms everything. The habits that matter most are the ones that, when they start to shift, dislodge and remake other patterns.”

Duhigg uses exercise as a way to explain the power of keystone habits. If you’ve made the decision to start exercising fairly regularly, you’ll likely find that over time, other seemingly unrelated areas of your life may change as well. The exercise habit has the power over other habits such as eating and work that begin to become apparent. If you’ve started exercising, you’ll likely start to eat a little healthier. And this will have a direct result on your work, you’ll be more productive and feel less stressed. Duhigg emphasises the importance of implementing an exercise habit as it’s a keystone habit that can truly impact your whole life and implement change for the better.

1c : The habits of societies:

”In landing a job, weak-tie acquaintances are often more important than strong-tie friends. Weak ties give us access to social networks where we don’t otherwise belong. Weak-tie acquaintances—the people we bump into every six months—are the ones who tell us about jobs we would otherwise never hear about.”

Duhigg explains that it’s this power of the weak ties that exemplifies the way in which a small group of friends can transform into a protesting social movement. Social movements that have the power to convince thousands of people, to get behind a common goal or attitude.

Using the example of walking to work instead of catching a bus, Duhigg explains that most people aren’t interested in giving up their cosy, comfortable bus journey, unless it’s to benefit someone close to them. They don’t seem willing to do it simply for the benefit of a stranger.

Due to this unwillingness, activists encourage protest through a simple tool that works, even when used against people who are not willing to participate initially. Duhigg explains that it’s a form of persuasion, its the same persuasion that neighbourhoods and communities put upon themselves. Peer pressure.


I recently read in Psychology Today about the Starbucks Latte Method. The L-A-T-T-E Method is Star­­buck’s system of handling up­­set customers. LATTE reminds em­­ployees to: Listen to the customer, Acknowledge them, Thank them for the feedback, Take Action, and Explain what you’ve done to handle the issue and improve. By using an acronym relevant to the Starbucks world, they converted inconsistent techniques into a ­systematic habit.

Use the L-A-T-T-E Method to con­­sistently redirect your energy toward your best future. The next time you learn a tip or technique, listen. Really listen. Is this truly an opportunity for you to invest in yourself or is it another distraction disguised as an opportunity?

Ac­­knowl­­edge why and what you want to change. “I want to become a leader at my organization. I need to focus my energy on solutions instead of spending so much time complaining.” Thank yourself for your efforts and appreciate how far you’ve come. “I am grateful for my desire to improve. I take a timeout and cool down before venting to a co-worker. I excused myself from the morning gossip session. I will get better and I am proud of myself.”

Take Action—Tomorrow I am go­­ing to say, “Perhaps you should talk with her about your concerns instead of complaining to others. Wouldn’t that be more productive for everyone in the long run?”

Explain what you’ve done to handle the issue and improve. “I’m really working hard to focus on solutions and I am trying to do that more myself. Maybe you could have a latte together....”

this type of developing habit is necessary for people who want change their habits.

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