Watch this video of the remake of the Milgram study via YouTube and then post your responses to the following questions.
1. Imagine you are a participant in the Milgram study of
obedience. As the study progresses and it becomes clear you are
causing pain to the subject, how do you think you would
2. Is there any difference between the subjects in the Milgram
study who shocked the ‘actors,’ and the soldiers who abused
prisoners at Abu Ghaib?
I would like to believe that if I happened to cause pain to another participant in the study, I would immediately protest against the practice and question the ethics of the study. At the same time, however, I do realise that if I am likely to have behaved differently in the situation. Like many other participants in the study, who were otherwise regular and well-meaning individuals, I too, could have got carried away with my role and caused harm to others.
Please post the other questions separately as we are supposed to answer just one question or four sub parts of the same question.
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