Victims' rights gained at the expense of offenders might
include reducing options for early release from confinement.
Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)- Victims and witnesses
of crime normally suffer some adverse impact (e.g., physical,
psychological, and financial) from a crime. Congress enacted a
series of laws intended to inform victims and witnesses of their
rights and responsibilities in the criminal justice system to
ensure their needs are properly addressed.
The Victim and Witness Assistance Program (VWAP) is designed to
minimize the effects of crime and to help victims and witnesses
understand and participate in the military justice system.
VWAP is a multi-disciplinary process intended to assist victims
and witnesses through the initial report of a crime and continuing
through the investigation, prosecution, sentencing, confinement,
and release of the accused offender.
The Victim/Witness Assistance Program strives to reduce the
trauma of a crime by empowering and assisting crime victims,
witnesses and significant others in reconstructing their lives
through advocacy, support, information and referrals.?