Question:2.Review the difference between fact and opinion. Write three
fact statements and three opinion statements about...
2.Review the difference between fact and opinion. Write three
fact statements and three opinion statements about...
2.Review the difference between fact and opinion. Write three
fact statements and three opinion statements about your selected
device on separate index cards (one statement per card). Do not
indicate which statements are the facts and which statements are
the opinions.
A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified
objectively, or proven. In other words, a fact is true and correct
no matter what. An opinion, however, is a statement that holds an
element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is not
always true and cannot be proven.
Fact is supported by evidence and Opinion has no backing of any
evidence.A person who makes a factual statement knows that his
opinion comes from Fact. Where as a person who just makes some
Opinion does not have any facts to substantiate. While Facts are
true statements Opinions are not. Opinion is only a subjective
statement and Fact is objective reality. Opinion can only be an
emotional outburst of an individual or merely an
Facts are strong statements and opinions can be biased
statements. Facts always stay back in history whereas opinions are
only views that may not get into history.
Statements mentioned below have to be identified as facts or
opinions in the activity after writing it on the index cards.Here,I
am mentioning which are facts and which are opinions,but they can
be written on the cards without mentioning so that classmates can
recognise it themselves
Examples of facts and opinions are:
Facts-IBM sold a smartphone with a touchscreen display input
that could send emails and run third-party apps in 1994.
It costs less than $1 a year to keep your smartphone charged
Smartphones are capable of receiving FM radio signals, but
phone/wireless companies deny that consumer demand is strong enough
to justify activating it.
Opinions-Nowadays more and more students bring their mobile
phones to school. While I believe that students should carry mobile
phones in case of an emergency, I am strongly opposed to phones
being used at school, particularly in the classroom.
Smartphones are dangerous.
Smartphones have many great advantages.
How do you feel about smartphones taking over our lives?