Two events observed in a frame of reference ? have positions
and times given by (?1, ?1) and (?2, ?2), respectively.
a) Frame ?′ moves along the ?-axis just fast enough that the
two events occur at the same position in ?′. Show that in ?′, the
time interval between the two events is given by
′ √ 2 Δ?2 Δ?= (Δ?)−(?),
where Δ? = ?2 − ?1 and Δ? = ?2 − ?1. Note that this shows that
if Δ? > ?Δ?, there is no frame ?′ in which the two events occur
at the same point. Note that the interval Δ?′ is the proper time
interval. (4)
b) Show that if Δ? > ?Δ?, there is frame of reference ?’ in
which the two events occur simultaneously. Find the distance
between the two events in ?′; express your result in terms of Δ?,
Δ?, and ?. This distance is often referred to as the proper length.
c) Two events are observed in a frame of reference ?′ to occur
simultaneously at points separated by a distance of 2.50 m. In a
2nd frame ? moving relative to ?′ along the line joining the points
in ?′, the two events appear to be separated by 5.00 m. What is the
time interval between the events as measured in ?? (2)