A 48-kg skier is going down a slope oriented 33° above the horizontal. The area of each ski in contact with the snow is 0.13 m2. Determine the pressure that each ski exerts on the snow.
Solution :
Given :
mass (m) = 48 kg
= 33°
And, A = 0.13 m2
Note that the skier's weight will be divided by two (2) since he is standing on two (2) skis :
P = (N/2) / A
Where; N = Normal contact force = m g cos
Thus : Pressure (P) = (m g cos
/ 2) / A = (m g cos
/ 2 A = {(48 kg)(9.8 m/s2)cos(33°)} / (2 x 0.13
m2 ) = 1517.35 Pa
Therefore : the pressure that each ski exerts on the snow is 1517.35 Pa
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