
The scheduling rule that minimizes the makespan time for a set of jobs that must be...

The scheduling rule that minimizes the makespan time for a set of jobs that must be processed through a two-step system where every job follows the same sequence through the two processes is

A. the shortest processing time (SPT).

B. Johnson’s Rule.

C. the assignment method.

D. the minimal slack rule.

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Answer: Option (B) - Johnson’s Rule

Explanation: In operations management, there are scenarios where jobs have to be scheduled in two work centers. In order to ensure that the jobs are optimally sequenced such that it reduces the total time to complete all the jobs (known as the makespan time), Johnson’s Rule is used. The Johnson’s rule minimizes the makespan time for a set of jobs that must be processed through a two-step system where every job follows the same sequence through the two processes.

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