1) HPWPS that promotes decision making, autonomy, career growth,
and knowledge and skill-building is fundamental to high
performance. Some examples are:
- Inclusion at the workplace
- Performance-based reward system
- Well established hiring process
- Learning and growth opportunities
- Employee suggestion/innovation platforms
The importance of HPWPs may depend on industry type and
organization type. Few less important HPWP can be:
- Weightage of Academic grades during hiring process
- Structured team briefing & debriefing
- In-house knowledge management system
2) Include the following points while drafting your Business
case to senior management :
- What are the business strategy and future plan
- What kind of performance culture company wants to
- What is the existing organizational culture?
- What are the gaps between existing and desired work
- List down practices that you want to introduce?
- What metrics would you use for accurate performance
- List the impact areas of these changes