
You are the HR or the hiring manager. You are considering candidates for expat assignments to...

  1. You are the HR or the hiring manager. You are considering candidates for expat assignments to a foreign country (you chose the country). What are your criteria for evaluating the candidates and making a selection.
  2. You are a candidate for an expat assignment to a foreign country (you chose the country).   How would you promote yourself for the job? What are your strengths, and how would you overcome any weaknesses?

Homework Answers

Answer #1

PART 1 : As an HR Manager - following are the criteria for evaluating the candidates and making a selection of candidates for expat assignment to the country america.

The issue of expatriate selection in global staffing remains a critical issue to date. With more firms going global in search of competitive advantage, the success of the expat is integral to the company . The selection of an able candidate for the post of an expat facilitates success. The experience of expatriate selection and assignment has been a mixed success for multinational firms. Several selection strategies have been used, but failure situations in individual assignment cases are known to be in nearly every multinational firm . The reason for expat failures in these MNCs is that there is a lack of a proper criterion for the selection of the expatriates.

selection process : -

The first step in this process is to create a selection team consisting of at least three members. - After setting up the team,

step two will be to let the members define the purpose of the specific foreign assignment. The team also appraises the cultural context and set up selection criteria. - When this is done,

step three takes place, where the team reviews the candidate pool. They take a closer look to the candidates who are willing to go abroad, and they contact references that are given. To let other get the same opportunity for a foreign assignment, the team uses “internal job postings to open the positions to others who may want to nominate themselves or their colleagues” . - When this step is completed, and the field is decided,

the forth step will be for the team to use standardised tests and feedback instruments to minimise the field of candidates until there are only one or two applicants left. These applicants are then assumed to be the most excellent ones. - When there is only these few applicants left,

the fifth and final step will be to let the team “interviews them and their spouses, extends the offer, and makes the transition to training and preparation” .

The other criterias are as follows for an hr manager to look in expats :

  • Mental and emotional stability
  • Sending talented employees
  • Willingness to change
  • Sensitivity to other cultures ( american culture)
  • Deep perspectives of business practices
  • Above average interpersonal skills
  • Ability to embrace new customs (american customs)
  • Respect for diverse viewpoints
  • Demonstrable flexibility and resilience
  • High level of professional autonomy
  • Good sense of humor   

    PART 2: As a candidate for an expat assignment to a foreign country ( UNITED KINGDOMS [UK])

How would you promote yourself for the job

Localize your resume

Make sure your keywords match with local language. “Computers won’t find words that are misspelled, so if you’re applying to jobs in the U.K., change words like ‘humor’ to ‘humour,’” says Salemi. And if you’re fluent, translate your resume to the language of the country where you’re applying.

Convince them you’re worth it

The biggest challenge to winning a position abroad is showing a hiring manager that it’s worth it to bring on someone from another country. The first place to sell yourself is in your cover letter, says Salemi. “Let them know that you’re currently in the U.S. but looking to relocate to their city, most likely at your own expense—and tell them why you’re the perfect candidate for the job.”

Tell them you’re willing to do what it takes to have a face-to-face interview. If they have a U.S. location, offer to visit a local office. “Above all,” she says, “market yourself the same way you would here—let them know why you’re the best person for the job, above and beyond anyone else.”

Tap your network

If you studied or worked abroad, be sure to use any resources that your school or former employer has to offer, says Salemi. Even if you didn’t study abroad, see if your alma mater has a global alumni network that can aid in your job search. “These people can also be great resources for finding a place to live,” she notes. As always, reach out to your entire network of friends and family, because you never know if someone has a contact at a foreign company.

Adjust to their time zone (and holidays)

You’re the job seeker, so you have to be flexible and match your schedule to theirs, not the other way around. If they’re available to interview at 3 a.m. your time, that’s when you have to do it. “And be mindful of holidays,” says Salemi. “Just because we’re closed on Labor Day or Thanksgiving does not mean that foreign companies are.”

Perfect your Skype skills

Since you probably won’t be jetting around the globe for interviews, you’re going to need to learn how to nail a Skype interview. Be sure to test your camera, use a neutral background and look just as polished as you would in person—no matter what time of the day or night it is.

If you’re fluent in a particular language, be prepared to prove it. “Not only might they ask to speak with you in the foreign language, you may also need to take a language test, so be ready for that,” says Salemi.


  • 1.Global Curiosity

    Being interested in and excited about new cultures is essential. If you have a passion for meeting new people and an urge to learn about the world, you’re more likely to be happy living abroad.

    2. Emotional Intelligence

    Being emotionally intelligent means that you can discern how others are feeling and use that information to guide your own behavior. If you want to be an expat, you should be able to read different social cues and non-verbal communication and asses how your own personality comes across to others.

    3. Extreme Organization

    If tax season sends you in a tizzy, expat life may not be for you. As a UK expat, you need to be able to balance multiple tax systems, work within two bureaucracies, and stay on top of your visa paperwork.

    4. Cultural Adaptability

    A cross-cultural experience may sound like a breeze, but your family trip to Europe 10 years ago won’t prepare you to settle into a completely new environment. To move to another country, you’ll have to be tolerant and respectful of new people and adapt to new cultural norms to fit in.

    5. Language Skills

    Being able to communicate in the language of your new home is important, even if you’re mostly communicating in your native tongue.

    Don’t worry about being fluent right away — picking up some key phrases can help with everything from landing an overseas opportunity to developing relationships with locals.

    6. Flexibility

    Every country has a unique way of doing things, and expats should be willing to cope with the traditions of those around them. If the country you’re working in doesn’t value punctuality, be flexible if people are late to a meeting. Stay calm and let matters follow their course.

    7. Leadership

    The most successful expats know how to command a room, no matter where that room is. If you aren’t a natural leader, try some strategies to help you catch up. Mimic the strong leaders in your life, practice effective communication, and become an expert in both your industry and your adopted home.

    8. Patience

    Last but certainly not least, patience is a virtue when it comes to expatriating. Things aren’t always as fast moving in other cultures or when working across borders. Don’t rush yourself when it comes to adjusting and don’t rush others if they operate differently than you’re used to.


  • 01 Expat problems – Social life.

  • What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Ask a co-worker or neighbour for information about what’s going on.
  • Browse the internet (expat forums) to find out if you can become a member of a (sports) club, organisation, or expat group.
  • Regularly visit the local pubs.
  • Introduce yourself to your neighbours and co-workers.
  • Invite your neighbours or co-workers for a drink (at your place/ in a pub).
  • Find out where you can do volunteer work.
  • Don’t get too personal during the first encounter with someone; it may scare people away.

  • 02. Expat problems – Feeling lonely.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Try to relocate your family as well. (The majority of the people who have their family with them experience less loneliness).
  • Plan ahead: plan your next visit or plan when and where to meet with your family or friends.
  • Skype, WhatsApp, Viber or Facetime with your family and friends to share the latest gossip and news.
  • Write each other a hand written letter. (This gives you something to look forward to and creates a connection).
  • In some cases: try to stay away from reminders of home if it makes you feel home sick.

  • 03. Expats problems – Relocation process.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Search for online lists: what to take with you and what to take care of. Make or find a list of the things you should check before you move abroad. A lot of people have preceded you and many of them created lists.
  • Ask people to help you pack everything (Number each box and write down what each box contains). Or turn to a moving company.
  • Use expat platforms to find useful information about your new country.
  • Visit the new country a few times and get to know your way around.
  • Rent a small apartment for the first few months so you can settle down without too much hassle.
  • Check your lists regularly and cross out everything you’ve done so far.

  • 04. Expat problems – Career concerns.

  • What can you do about these expat problems?

    Preparation is very important when it comes to taking away some of your career concerns.

  • Before you move abroad try to get to know the market, the main differences in regards to communication, rights, and expectations. But also check the political situation, the country’s economy, and foreigner policy.
  • There are many social networks for expats, and people over there are willing to answer all of your questions.
  • Try to connect with professionals living there, and search for country specific expat guides.
  • Try to find out if there is a lot of competition in your industry and if you need to further develop your skills specific areas.

  • 05. Expat problems – Language barriers.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Take a language course as soon as you decide to relocate.
  • Find native speakers of that language in your current city and practice their language with them.
  • Download online language applications to master the basics.
  • When relocated: try to watch a lot of local television programs, listen to the radio, and to the natives around you.
  • When relocated: try to speak as much as possible, even if you are afraid of making mistakes. You’ll see that people around you will appreciate your efforts and they will help you.
  • When relocated: take an intensive language course and study hard.

  • 06. Expat problems – Food.

    Every culture has its own cuisine. Some cuisines are very famous (Chinese, French, Italian) whereas others are pretty depressing to the majority of the people (American, British, Dutch). Not surprisingly, each part of the world has its own vegetables, herbs and spices. This can mean a struggle for you to find the food you normally eat. And even if you are able to buy your fruit it may taste differently in comparison to what you had in your country. So when it comes to getting good food, your food, being an expat can be quite a challenge.
    Some people choose to stick to their traditional dishes and find themselves frustrated after a while because they can’t get what they are looking for or because the prices are too high. Others try to adapt and try to get used to the local cuisine, but unfortunately, adapting isn’t easy for everyone. So what can you do about this food problem?

  • Before you move abroad read something about the local cuisine. Perhaps you can even find a restaurant near by where you can try the food of your future country.
  • Use Google and other search engines to get some information about restaurants and bars in your new town where they serve foreign dishes.
  • Use expatriate forums to find out more about the availability of products in supermarkets and if there are stores that sell foreign products there.
  • Ask friends and family to ship certain products from your home country to you, particularly the ones you miss the most.
  • In the case of supermarkets not having a great variety of different products, you can try to grow these items yourself.

  • 07. Expat problems – Sorting out healthcare.

    What is the healthcare system like in your new country? Is the level of expertise comparable to that of your country, or do they have an unsophisticated medical system? You probably have a lot of questions and doubts. Expat problems regarding healthcare are the type of problems you want to avoid, so a good preparation is a must.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Check out if there are any health hazards in the new country.
  • Check out if there is a difference between healthcare for locals and expats. Sometimes expats need to turn to more expensive private hospitals.
  • Check out what the standard of public and private healthcare is.
  • What type of health insurance policy will you take? Are you staying for a long time or only for a few months?
  • Check out how quick you can get a prescription for medication. And in case you are on medication: if you are allowed to bring medication into the country.

  • 08. Expat problems – Standard of living.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Visit your new country before you move and see how people live and what they buy.
  • Check out (online or during a visit) how much money you need to spend on apartments, electrical utilities, cars and so on.
  • Check out if your wage will be enough to make a living, and if it’s comparable to other people with your job/qualifications.
  • Ask people who live there about their experience (use social media, expat forums, or simply ask people over there).
  • Prepare yourself mentally for a change in lifestyle. Be sure not to compare everything with ‘home’ and take things as they are.
  • Check out the area where you want to live (prices may vary in different parts of the city/country).

  • 09. Expat problems – Cultural adaptation.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Read about the history of your new country. Try to understand where they are coming from.
  • Read about their norms and values and try to put them in historical perspective.
  • Be open minded about the differences in culture; about the differences in norms and values.
  • Connect with other expats and ask about their experiences.
  • Go on a holiday to your new country before your move and observe people around you.
  • Be flexible: if you can’t wear certain clothes, then simply wear something else. If people don’t queue nicely in the stores/public transport platforms, then it may be more effective if you don’t try to queue either.

  • 10. Expat problems – Bureaucracy / corruption.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Before you move check if you have all the documents needed: information from your previous employer, the city municipality, the tax company, and so on.
  • Make sure your passport and driver’s license are valid.
  • Check in which language you need to have your documents. If you need them to be translated find a certified translator.
  • For some documents you need a notary. Make sure they speak your language.
  • Always double check if you have everything you need before sending out or delivering all the paperwork. Nothing is more frustrating than having to go back because you left it at home.
  • Read about the procedures in your new country and try to find out within how many days you should get a reply.
  • Talk to expats who are already there who may want to help you out.
  • Ask expats about corruption and how much you are expected to pay for which services.

  • 11. Expat problems – Raising children.

    What can you do about these expat problems?

  • Ask around on expat platforms to see if people recommend certain schools.
  • Try to find information about international schools.
  • When you found a potential school: first visit the school to get a better picture.
  • Make sure the school is close to your apartment. Then you have a bigger chance of living in an area where more children live.
  • Check out where your children could go for sports activities, but also to play outside (in a park or perhaps a children’s playground).
  • Check online, and ask other expats, for information about children’s clubs.
  • Probably redundant: make sure you settle in a neighbourhood that is build for children.
  • When relocated: try to find local people to become friends with. If you only have fellow expat friends you won’t speak the native language and you miss a great opportunity to learn the language.
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