CVP (Central venous pressure )
- To treat the increased blood pressure by administration of
antihypertensive drugs as per order.
- Increased fluid volume in the body has to be reduced with
diuretics because this can elevate the CVP
- Treating underlying causes
- In case of hypovolemia ,the CVP can decrease so fluid has to be
- In case of cardiovascular issues the CVP can decrease which
needs treatment of the heart ailments to correct it.
PCWP (Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure )
- To correct any hemorrhage
- To treat mitral valve diseases
- To treat left ventricular failure ,cardiac insufficiency
PAP (Pulmonary Artery Hypertension )
- Oxygen therapy to prevent hypocrisy and hypoxemia
- Vasodilator to reduce vasoconstriction and reduce the arterial