▪︎Impact of parkinson's disease on client :
Emotional, physical and psychological effects on client :
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Apathy
- Fatigue and laziness
- Insomnia
- Physical symptoms like rigidity , slow movements , tremors or
shakiness , freezing and , postural instability leads to inability
of the person to do his routine daily activities which have both
physical and psychological impact on the client.
- Mood swings : Sadness , anger , irritability, fear ,
frustration , guilt , indecissiveness, passive , confusion , panic
attacks etc
- Withdrawl from family and friends
- Slow thinking
- Memory loss
- Self image and communication are effected
▪︎Impact on family members :
- Healthy relationship with family members is disturbed including
spouse , children and grand children etc
- Family members caring them gets frustrated , fatigue , anxious
, saddened , overwhelmed , angry etc so, they fight or argue with
the client
- They get psychologically and emotionaly shattered by seeing
their loved one's becoming and behaving like that due to the
disease symptoms