The advantages are,
- It gives immunity to the infants reduces infection like viral
infection,respiratory infection,gastroenteritis,and inflammatory
bowel disease
- Protects against the allergies
- Brest mik is sterile so it not causes stomach upset and
diarrhea and constipation
- It helps the fast brain development in infants
- it is cheap compared to formula feed
Different positions for breast feeding are,
- Cradle hold
- Reclined positon
- Rugby ball hold
- Dangle feeding
- side lying position
- Koala hold
The mother can identify by,
- Babys diaper is the indicater for the the baby get enough
milk,normaly breastfed infants wet the diaper 7-10 times.
- palpate the abdomen for fullnes
- baby,s cry is the notification for empty stomach
Causes of the breast engorgement are,
- Increased blood supply to the breast
- baby not dringking enough milk according to the milk
- Tight under garments use
Management of breast engorgement,
- cold copress
- breast massage
- warm moist wrap prior to breast feeding
plz give a thums up