Examples of standard operating procedures of occupational health
and safety can be wriiten based on Five types of occupational
hazards mentiond by Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s
- Safety -eg.Mercury spill on the floor from thermometer
- Chemical-e.g. Anticancer drugs like cyclophosmide
- Bilological- e.g.blood,viruses like COVID-19
- Physical -e.g.radiation
- Ergonomic- Musculo skeletal disorders
Essenital contents of SOP includes
- Name & Address of the company
- SOP number, and Date when the SOP was prepared/reviewed.
- Aim or Objective
- Scope (area which will be covered )
- Process/Steps to be carried out, in sequential order.
- Whose responsibility it is to carry out the SOP.
- Any other useful information
- Name and signature of the person/s who made/reviewed the SOPs,
along with date of review.