Answer: The two examples chronic lifestyle conditions
- Lack of physical activities is one of the chronic lifestyle
conditions. It means the absence of the proper movement and
exercise of the body. This leads to increase risk of obesity. And
obesity is directly related to the development of chronic diseases
such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension etc. The
chronic lifestyle conditions leads to increase risk of the poor
health conditions.
- Poor eating habits: The intake of unhealthy foods such as foods
having no nutrients, or nutritional values. The unhealthy foods
contains excessive oil, stored foods etc leads to increase risk of
disease as well as deficiency diseases. There could be
malnutrition, deficiency disease as well as many disorders
The person-centred support to facilitate self-determination
implementation requires:
- By creating awareness and impart knowledge among people to
indulge themselves in physical exercise and activities. It will
elevate the health of people. The educational programs for the
people could provide them about the benefits of the exercise.
- The proper guidance to the people about the food intake and
daily nutrition required by the body. Hence this will elevate self