WBA stock price is $114 and DOW stock price is $50.00. The Dow Jones divisor is 0.147. How would the divisor change value if AMZN ($3200.00/Share) were to replace DOW and GOOG ($114.00/Share) was to replace WBA?
Dow Jones index value = Sum of share prices of constituents / Divisor value
AMZN replacing DOW, will increase numerator of the above equation by 3150 (+3200 - 50)
GOOG replacing WBA will have no impact as they have the same share price
Hence, in order for the index value to remain constant, the divisor value will increase as shown below
Assume Dow Jones = 28,000. If divisor = 0.147, sum of share prices = 28000 x 0.147 = 4,116
Impact of stock changes = 4116 + 3200 - 50 +114 - 114 = 7266
Hence, new divisor = 7266 / 28000 = 0.260
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