Question:Our organic fish company pays $8,000 in monthly salary to its
general manager. The company has...
Our organic fish company pays $8,000 in monthly salary to its
general manager. The company has...
Our organic fish company pays $8,000 in monthly salary to its
general manager. The company has a profit-sharing plan that results
in the GM receiving an end-of-year bonus totalling $25,000. Draw
the cash-flow diagram representing the salary payments if
b. the salary is paid at the beginning of the month.In both
cases, assume that the bonus is always paid on December 31, and use
P for present worth. Determine the equivalent annual salary of the
GM if the nomi- nal market interest rate is 10% (nominal rate means
on an annual basis; we don’t know if this has some different
equivalent rate for compound-
ing on a more frequent basis).
Our organic fish company pays $8,000 in monthly salary to its
general manager. The company has a profit-sharing plan that results
in the GM receiving an end-of-year bonus totalling $25,000. Draw
the cash-flow dia- gram representing the salary payments if
a. the salary is paid at the end of month.
b. the salary is paid at the beginning of the month.In both
cases, assume that the bonus is always paid on December 31, and use
P for present worth. Determine the equivalent annual salary of the
GM if the nomi- nal market interest rate is 10% (nominal rate means
on an annual basis; we don’t know if this has some different
equivalent rate for compound-