Write the answers for the following questions in this
1. Define in your own words what “the ethical point of view"
2. Define morality and ethics in your own words.
3. What is the difference between morality and ethics?
4. What is the difference between relativism and
5. What are the advantages of using an ethical theory in which
all humans are treated equally and guidelines are developed through
a process of logical reasoning?
6. Two people are debating the morality of a particular
action. Person A explains why he believes the action is wrong.
Person B disagrees with Person A. Her response to him is, “That’s
your opinion.” Person B has not made a strong ethical argument. Why
7. What is plagiarism? Describe four different ways that a
person can commit plagiarism.
8. Write the name of the ethical theory that describes best
for each of the statements:
______________ Morality consists in the set of rules,
governing how people are to treat one
another, that rational people will agree to accept, for their
mutual benefit,
on the condition that others follow those rules as well.
______________ Each person decides right and wrong for himself
or herself.
______________ What is “right” and “wrong” depends upon a
society’s actual moral guidelines.
______________ Good actions: those aligned with God’s will;
Bad actions: those contrary to God’s will.
_____________ Reason should cultivate desire to do right
_____________ An action is right (or wrong) to the extent that
it increases (or decreases) the total happiness of the affected