Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Intergenerational mobility for immigrants was understated in early studies, but overestimated in more recent studies.
B. Intergenerational mobility for immigrants was understated in early studies, but overestimated in more recent studies.
C. A limited amount of intergenerational occurs for immigrant households, but ethnic and racial earnings gaps persist.
D. There is no intergenerational mobility for immigrants.
Option D is incorrect as there is intergenerational mobility for immigrants. Intergenerational mobility refers to any change in the social position of family members that takes place from one generation to the next. A person coming is immigrant may live a poor life but may give good education to children and they can be better off in future.
Option A and B are same but not correct. It is correct that ethnic and racial earnings gaps persist in is intergenerational mobility and a limited amount of intergenerational occurs for immigrant households is also true.
Hence correct option is Option C.
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