
Homework Draw class diagrams for your HW4 - the Tetris Game shown below: Part 1: UML...


Draw class diagrams for your HW4 - the Tetris Game shown below:

Part 1: UML As a review, Here are some links to some explanations of UML diagrams if you need them.

• (Links to an external site.)

• (Links to an external site.)

• (Links to an external site.) However you ended up creating the UML from HW4, your class diagram probably had some or all of these features:

• Class variables: names, types, and their visibility specifiers

• Method signatures: parameter and return types, and their visibility specifiers

• Arrows to indicate inheritance (class or interface)

• Arrows to indicate associations.

• Interfaces and abstract types should be included in your diagram

• Other features like multiplicity or notes Submit a PDF document that includes this image (again), as well as a description of how you generated the image, i.e. describe the tool you selected, why you selected it, and any strengths/weaknesses of the approach. Finally, discuss why you think modeling class relationships using UML will help you write code faster (now or in the future) and/or with more accuracy.

To answer all those questions, you will need at LEAST five sentences.

Below are the all the class for the Tetris Game that can help develop UML diagram for this assignment


import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class Tetris extends JPanel {

private Game game;

/** * Sets up the parts for the Tetris game, display and user control */

public Tetris() { game = new Game(this);

JFrame f = new JFrame("The Tetris Game");



f.setSize(400, 550);


EventController ec = new EventController(game);

f.addKeyListener(ec); setBackground(Color.YELLOW); }

/** * Updates the display */ public void update() { repaint();


/** * Paint the current state of the game */

public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g);


if (game.isGameOver()) {

g.setFont(new Font("Palatino", Font.BOLD, 40));


g.drawString("GAME OVER", 80, 300);



public static void main(String[] args) { new Tetris();

} }


import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Point;

public abstract class AbstractPiece implements Piece {

protected boolean ableToMove;

// can this piece move protected Square[] square;

// the squares that make up this piece // Made up of PIECE_COUNT squares protected Grid grid;

// the board this piece is on // number of squares in one Tetris game piece protected static final int PIECE_COUNT = 4;

/** * Draws the piece on the given Graphics context */

public void draw(Graphics g) {

for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) {




public void move(Direction direction) {

if (canMove(direction)) {

for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) square[i].move(direction);


// if we couldn't move, see if because we're at the bottom else if (direction == Direction.DOWN) {

ableToMove = false; }


/** * Returns the (row,col) grid coordinates occupied by this Piece * * @return an Array of (row,col) Points */

public Point[] getLocations() {

Point[] points = new Point[PIECE_COUNT];

for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) {

points[i] = new Point(square[i].getRow(), square[i].getCol());

} return points;


/** * Return the color of this piece */

public Color getColor() {

// all squares of this piece have the same color return square[0].getColor();


/** * Returns if this piece can move in the given direction * */

public boolean canMove(Direction direction) {

if (!ableToMove) return false;

// Each square must be able to move in that direction boolean answer = true;

for (int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) {

answer = answer && square[i].canMove(direction);


return answer; }

/** * Rotate the Piece */

public void rotate() {

boolean check = true;

for(int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) {

if (i == 1) {

} else {

int py = square[1].getRow();

int px = square[1].getCol();

int y1 = square[i].getRow();

int x1 = square[i].getCol();

int x2 = y1 + px - py; int y2 = x1 + px - px;

if ((0 <= x2)&&(x2 <= Grid.WIDTH) && (0 <= y2) && (y2 <= Grid.HEIGHT)) { continue;

} else check = false;



if (check == true) { for(int i = 0; i < PIECE_COUNT; i++) { if(i == 1) {

; } else { int py = square[1].getRow();

int px = square[1].getCol(); int y1 = square[i].getRow();

int x1 = square[i].getCol();

int x2 =px + py - y1;

int y2 = x1 + py - px; square[i].setCol(x2); square[i].setRow(y2); } } } } }


import java.awt.Color;

public class BarShape extends AbstractPiece {

public BarShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g;

square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT];

ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r, c - 1, Color.cyan, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c, Color.cyan, true);

square[2] = new Square(g, r, c + 1, Color.cyan, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r, c + 2, Color.cyan, true);




import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;

import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

import javax.swing.Timer;

public class EventController extends KeyAdapter implements ActionListener {

private Game game;

// current game: grid and current piece private Timer timer;

private static final double PIECE_MOVE_TIME = 0.8;

// wait 0.8 s every time

// the piece moves down

// increase to slow it

// down private boolean gameOver; public EventController(Game game) { = game; gameOver = false;

double delay = 1000 * PIECE_MOVE_TIME;

// in milliseconds timer = new Timer((int) delay, this);


// if multiple events pending, bunch them to

// 1 event timer.start();


public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {

// if 'Q', quit the game if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_Q) {

timer.stop(); ((JFrame) e.getSource()).dispose();

} if (!gameOver) {

switch (e.getKeyCode()) {

case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN: handleMove(Direction.DOWN);

break; case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT: handleMove(Direction.LEFT);

break; case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT: handleMove(Direction.RIGHT);

break; case KeyEvent.VK_UP: game.rotatePiece(); break;

case KeyEvent.VK_SPACE: game.rotatePiece(); break; } } }

/** Updates the game periodically based on a timer event

*/ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {


} private void handleMove(Direction direction) { game.movePiece(direction);

gameOver = game.isGameOver();

if (gameOver) timer.stop(); } }

// import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Point;

import java.util.Random;

public class Game {

private Grid grid;

// the grid that makes up the Tetris board private Tetris display;

// the visual for the Tetris game private Piece piece;

// the current piece that is dropping CHANGE BACK To LSHAPE private boolean isOver;

// has the game finished? public Game(Tetris display) {

grid = new Grid();

this.display = display; piece = new LShape(1, Grid.WIDTH / 2 - 1, grid);

isOver = false; } public void draw(Graphics g) {


if (piece != null) {


} }

public void movePiece(Direction direction) {

if (piece != null) { piece.move(direction);

} updatePiece();




/** * Returns true if the game is over */

public boolean isGameOver() {

// game is over if the piece occupies the same space as some non-empty

// part of the grid. Usually happens when a new piece is made if (piece == null) {

return false;


// check if game is already over if (isOver) {

return true;


// check every part of the piece Point[] p = piece.getLocations();

for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { if (grid.isSet((int) p[i].getX(), (int) p[i].getY())) {

isOver = true; return true;

} }

return false;


/** Updates the piece */

private void updatePiece() {

if (piece == null) {

//create new LShape piece here Random random = new Random(); int currentNum = random.nextInt(7);

switch(currentNum) {

case 0: piece = new ZShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 1: piece = new SquareShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 2: piece = new JShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 3: piece = new TShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 4: piece = new SShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 5: piece = new BarShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


case 6: piece = new LShape(1, Grid.WIDTH/2 -1, grid);


} }

// set Grid positions corresponding to frozen piece

// and then release the piece else if (!piece.canMove(Direction.DOWN)) {

Point[] p = piece.getLocations();

Color c = piece.getColor();

for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {

grid.set((int) p[i].getX(), (int) p[i].getY(), c);

} piece = null; } }

/** Rotate the piece*/

public void rotatePiece() {

if (piece != null) { piece.rotate();

} updatePiece();

grid.checkRows(); display.update();




import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Grid { private Square[][] board;

// Width and Height of Grid in number of squares

public static final int HEIGHT = 20;

public static final int WIDTH = 10;

private static final int BORDER = 5;

public static final int LEFT = 100;

// pixel position of left of grid

public static final int TOP = 50;

// pixel position of top of grid

public static final Color EMPTY = Color.WHITE;

/** * Creates the grid */

public Grid() {

board = new Square[HEIGHT][WIDTH];

// put squares in the board

for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++) {

for (int col = 0; col < WIDTH; col++) {

board[row][col] = new Square(this, row, col, EMPTY, false);

} } } public boolean isSet(int row, int col) {

return !board[row][col].getColor().equals(EMPTY);

} public void set(int row, int col, Color c) { board[row][col].setColor(c);

} private void removeRow(int r) {

//change color of that row to white

for (int col = 0; col < WIDTH; col++) {



//move the rest of the thing down

for (int row = r-1; row >= 0; row--) {

for (int col = 0; col < WIDTH; col++) {

if(isSet(row,col)) {

Color c = board[row][col].getColor(); board[row][col].setColor(EMPTY);

board[row+1][col].setColor(c); } } } }

public void checkRows() {

int col,row;

for (row = 0; row< HEIGHT; row++) {

for( col = 0; col < WIDTH; col++) {




if(col == WIDTH)

// a row is found { removeRow(row);

} } }

/** * Draws the grid on the given Graphics context */

public void draw(Graphics g) {

// draw the edges as rectangles: left, right in blue then bottom in red g.setColor(Color.BLUE);


g.fillRect(LEFT + WIDTH * Square.WIDTH, TOP, BORDER, HEIGHT * Square.HEIGHT);



// draw all the squares in the grid // empty ones first (to avoid masking the black lines of the pieces that have already fallen) for (int r = 0; r < HEIGHT; r++) {

for (int c = 0; c < WIDTH; c++) {

if (board[r][c].getColor().equals(EMPTY)) {





for (int r = 0; r < HEIGHT; r++) {

for (int c = 0; c < WIDTH; c++) {

if (!board[r][c].getColor().equals(EMPTY)) {


} } } } }


import java.awt.Color;

public class JShape extends AbstractPiece {

public JShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g; square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT];

ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r - 1, c,, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c,, true); square[2] = new Square(g, r + 1, c,, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c - 1,, true); } }


import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Point;

public class LShape extends AbstractPiece {

public LShape(int r, int c, Grid g) { grid = g; square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT];

ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r - 1, c, Color.magenta, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c, Color.magenta, true); square[2] = new Square(g, r + 1, c, Color.magenta, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c + 1, Color.magenta, true);

} }


import java.awt.Color;

import java.awt.Graphics;

import java.awt.Point;

public interface Piece { public void draw(Graphics g);

public void move(Direction direction);

public Point[] getLocations();

public Color getColor();

public boolean canMove(Direction direction);

public void rotate(); }


import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Square {

private Grid grid;

// the environment where this Square is private int row, col;

// the grid location of this Square private boolean ableToMove;

// true if this Square can move private Color color; // the color of this Square

// possible move directions are defined by the Game class

// dimensions of a Square public static final int WIDTH = 20;

public static final int HEIGHT = 20;

public Square(Grid g, int row, int col, Color c, boolean mobile) { if (row < 0 || row > Grid.HEIGHT - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid row =" + row);

if (col < 0 || col > Grid.WIDTH - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column = " + col);

// initialize instance variables grid = g;

this.row = row; this.col = col; color = c; ableToMove = mobile;

} public void setRow(int newRow) { this.row = newRow;

} public int getRow() { return row;

} public void setCol(int newCol) {

this.col = newCol; } public int getCol() { return col;

} public boolean canMove(Direction direction) {

if (!ableToMove) return false; boolean move = true;

// if the given direction is blocked, we can't move

// remember to check the edges of the grid switch (direction) {

case DOWN: if (row == (Grid.HEIGHT - 1) || grid.isSet(row + 1, col)) move = false; break;

// currently doesn't support checking LEFT or RIGHT

// MODIFY so that it correctly returns if it can move left or right case LEFT: if(col==0 || grid.isSet(row, col-1)) move=false;


case RIGHT:

// INSERT YOUR CODE HERE if(col == 0 || grid.isSet(row, col+1)) move = false; break;

case UP:

//NOTHING YET break; } return move; }

public void move(Direction direction) {

if (canMove(direction)) { switch (direction) {

case DOWN: row++; break;

case LEFT: col--;


case RIGHT:


break; case UP: //nothing here yet break;

} } } public void setColor(Color c) {

color = c;


/** * Gets the color of this square */

public Color getColor() { return color;


/** * Draws this square on the given graphics context */

public void draw(Graphics g) {

// calculate the upper left (x,y) coordinate of this square int actualX = Grid.LEFT + col * WIDTH;

int actualY = Grid.TOP + row * HEIGHT;

g.setColor(color); g.fillRect(actualX, actualY, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

// black border (if not empty) if (!color.equals(Grid.EMPTY)) {

g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawRect(actualX, actualY, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

} } }


import java.awt.Color;

public class SquareShape extends AbstractPiece {

public SquareShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g; square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT];

ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r, c - 1, Color.gray, true); square[1] = new Square(g, r, c, Color.gray, true); square[2] = new Square(g, r + 1, c - 1, Color.gray, true); square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c, Color.gray, true);

} @Override public void rotate()

//override, do nothing { ; } }


import java.awt.Color;

public class SShape extends AbstractPiece {

public SShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g;

square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT];

ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r, c - 1,, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c,, true); square[2] = new Square(g, r + 1, c,, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c + 1,, true);

} }


import java.awt.Color;

public class TShape extends AbstractPiece {

public TShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g; square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT]; ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r, c - 1, Color.yellow, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c, Color.yellow, true);

square[2] = new Square(g, r, c + 1, Color.yellow, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c, Color.yellow, true);

} }


import java.awt.Color;

public class ZShape extends AbstractPiece{

public ZShape(int r, int c, Grid g) {

grid = g; square = new Square[PIECE_COUNT]; ableToMove = true;

// Create the squares square[0] = new Square(g, r, c - 1,, true);

square[1] = new Square(g, r, c,, true); square[2] = new Square(g, r + 1, c,, true);

square[3] = new Square(g, r + 1, c + 1,, true); }


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