Automata Theory and Formal Languages
Instructions: Draw the DFA (Deterministic Finite
Automaton) of the following:
- DFA in which start and end symbol must be different
- Design a DFA in which start and end symbol must be same
- DFA in which every 'a' should be followed by 'b'
- DFA in which every 'a' should never followed by 'b'
- DFA in which every 'a' should followed by 'bb'
- DFA in which every 'a' should never followed by 'bb'
- DFA for anbm| n,m ≥ 1
- DFA for anbm| n,m ≥ 0
- DFA for anbmcl| n,m,l ≥ 1
- DFA for anbmcl| n,m,l ≥ 0
- DFA such that second sybmol from L.H.S. should be 'a'