Complete the redblacktree in Java.
Add a public boolean isBlack field to the Node inner class. Make every Node object have a false isBlack field, all new node is red by default.
In the end of the insert method, set the root node of your red black tree to be black.
Implement the rotate() and recolor() functions, and create tests for them in a separate class.
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class BinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
protected static class Node<T> {
public T data;
public Node<T> parent; // null for root node
public Node<T> leftChild;
public Node<T> rightChild;
public Node(T data) { = data;
public boolean isLeftChild() {
return parent != null && parent.leftChild == this;
public String toString() { // display subtree in order
String output = "[";
LinkedList<Node<T>> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Node<T> next = q.removeFirst();
if (next.leftChild != null)
if (next.rightChild != null)
output +=;
if (!q.isEmpty())
output += ", ";
return output + "]";
protected Node<T> root; // reference to root node of tree, null when empty
public void insert(T data) throws NullPointerException,
IllegalArgumentException {
// null references cannot be stored within this tree
if (data == null)
throw new NullPointerException("This RedBlackTree cannot store null
Node<T> newNode = new Node<>(data);
if (root == null) {
root = newNode;
} // add first node to an empty tree
insertHelper(newNode, root); // recursively insert into
private void insertHelper(Node<T> newNode, Node<T>
subtree) {
int compare =;
// do not allow duplicate values to be stored within this
if (compare == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This RedBlackTree already
contains that value.");
// store newNode within left subtree of subtree
else if (compare < 0) {
if (subtree.leftChild == null) { // left subtree empty, add
subtree.leftChild = newNode;
newNode.parent = subtree;
// otherwise continue recursive search for location to insert
} else
insertHelper(newNode, subtree.leftChild);
// store newNode within the right subtree of subtree
else {
if (subtree.rightChild == null) { // right subtree empty, add
subtree.rightChild = newNode;
newNode.parent = subtree;
// otherwise continue recursive search for location to insert
} else
insertHelper(newNode, subtree.rightChild);
public String toString() {
return root.toString();
* Performs the rotation operation on the provided nodes within this
BST. When the provided child
* is a leftChild of the provided parent, this method will perform a
right rotation (sometimes
* called a left-right rotation). When the provided child is a
rightChild of the provided parent,
* this method will perform a left rotation (sometimes called a
right-left rotation). When the
* provided nodes are not related in one of these ways, this method
will throw an
* IllegalArgumentException.
private void rotate(Node<T> child, Node<T> parent)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// TODO: Implement this method.
* recolor() takes a reference to a newly added red node as its only
parameter. This method may
* also be called recursively, in which case the input parameter may
reference a different red
* node in the tree that potentially has a red parent node. The job
of this method is to resolve
* red child under red parent red black tree property violations
that are introduced by inserting
* new nodes into a red black tree. All other red black tree
properties must also be preserved.
* The method should be called from insertHelper after adding a new
red node to the tree (in both
* the cases of adding this new node as a left child and as a right
child). No further changes to
* the insertHelper method should be made.
private void recolor(Node<T> newNode) {
// TODO: Implement this method.
Add a public boolean isBlack field to the Node inner class. Make
every Node object have a false isBlack field,
all new node is red by default.
In the end of the insert method, set the root node of your red black tree to be black.
Implement the rotate() and recolor() functions, and create tests for them in a separate class
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class BinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
protected static class Node<T> {
public T data;
public Node<T> parent; // null for root node
public Node<T> leftChild;
public Node<T> rightChild;
public String color;
public Node(T data) { = data;
this.color = "Red";
public boolean isBlack(){
return this.color.equals("Black");
public boolean isLeftChild() {
return parent != null && parent.leftChild == this;
public String toString() { // display subtree in order
String output = "[";
LinkedList<Node<T>> q = new LinkedList<>();
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
Node<T> next = q.removeFirst();
if (next.leftChild != null)
if (next.rightChild != null)
output +=;
if (!q.isEmpty())
output += ", ";
return output + "]";
protected Node<T> root; // reference to root node of tree, null when empty
public void insert(T data) throws NullPointerException,
IllegalArgumentException {
// null references cannot be stored within this tree
if (data == null)
throw new NullPointerException("This RedBlackTree cannot store null
Node<T> newNode = new Node<>(data);
if (root == null) {
root = newNode;
root.color = "Black";
} // add first node to an empty tree
insertHelper(newNode, root); // recursively insert into
private void insertHelper(Node<T> newNode, Node<T>
subtree) {
int compare =;
// do not allow duplicate values to be stored within this
if (compare == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("This RedBlackTree already
contains that value.");
// store newNode within left subtree of subtree
else if (compare < 0) {
if (subtree.leftChild == null) { // left subtree empty, add
subtree.leftChild = newNode;
newNode.parent = subtree;
// otherwise continue recursive search for location to insert
} else
insertHelper(newNode, subtree.leftChild);
// store newNode within the right subtree of subtree
else {
if (subtree.rightChild == null) { // right subtree empty, add
subtree.rightChild = newNode;
newNode.parent = subtree;
// otherwise continue recursive search for location to insert
} else
insertHelper(newNode, subtree.rightChild);
public String toString() {
return root.toString();
* Performs the rotation operation on the provided nodes within this
BST. When the provided child
* is a leftChild of the provided parent, this method will perform a
right rotation (sometimes
* called a left-right rotation). When the provided child is a
rightChild of the provided parent,
* this method will perform a left rotation (sometimes called a
right-left rotation). When the
* provided nodes are not related in one of these ways, this method
will throw an
* IllegalArgumentException.
private void rotate(Node<T> child, Node<T> parent)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if(parent.leftChild == child){
if(parent.parent.leftChild == parent) {
parent.parent.leftChild = child;
else if (parent.parent.rightChild == parent){
parent.parent.rightChild = child;
parent.leftChild = child.rightChild;
child.rightChild = parent;
else if (parent.rightChild == child){
if(parent.parent.leftChild == parent) {
parent.parent.leftChild = child;
else if (parent.parent.rightChild == parent){
parent.parent.rightChild = child;
parent.rightChild = child.leftChild;
child.leftChild = parent;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Child Parent do not
* recolor() takes a reference to a newly added red node as its only
parameter. This method may
* also be called recursively, in which case the input parameter may
reference a different red
* node in the tree that potentially has a red parent node. The job
of this method is to resolve
* red child under red parent red black tree property violations
that are introduced by inserting
* new nodes into a red black tree. All other red black tree
properties must also be preserved.
* The method should be called from insertHelper after adding a new
red node to the tree (in both
* the cases of adding this new node as a left child and as a right
child). No further changes to
* the insertHelper method should be made.
private void recolor(Node<T> newNode) {
if (newNode.parent!=null) {
// Case 1 Node is red, parent is red, grandparent is black,
uncle is red
if (!newNode.isBlack()) {
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.isBlack()) {
if (!newNode.parent.parent.rightChild.isBlack()) {
newNode.parent.color = "Black";
newNode.parent.parent.rightChild.color = "Black";
newNode.parent.parent.color = "Red";
else if (!newNode.parent.parent.leftChild.isBlack()) {
newNode.parent.color = "Black";
newNode.parent.parent.leftChild.color = "Black";
newNode.parent.parent.color = "Red";
// Case 2 Node is red, parent is red, grandparent is black, uncle
is black
if (newNode.parent.rightChild == newNode) {
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.rightChild.isBlack()) {
rotate(newNode, newNode.parent);
else if(newNode.parent.leftChild == newNode){
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.leftChild.isBlack()) {
rotate(newNode, newNode.parent);
// Case 3 same condition making rotation.
if (!newNode.isBlack()){
if (newNode.parent.rightChild == newNode) {
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.isBlack()) {
if(newNode.parent.parent.leftChild == newNode.parent) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.rightChild.isBlack()) {
else if (newNode.parent.leftChild == newNode){
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()) {
if(newNode.parent.parent.rightChild == newNode.parent) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.isBlack()) {
if (newNode.parent.parent.leftChild.isBlack()) {
// Case 4 same as 1 but coloring
if (!newNode.isBlack()){
if(newNode.parent.leftChild == newNode) {
if (!newNode.parent.isBlack()){
if(newNode.parent.parent.leftChild == newNode.parent){
newNode.parent.color = "Black";
newNode.parent.parent.color = "Red";
newNode.parent.parent.rightChild.color = "Black";
else if (newNode.parent.rightChild == newNode){
if(newNode.parent.parent.rightChild == newNode.parent){
newNode.parent.color ="Black";
newNode.parent.parent.color = "Red";
newNode.parent.parent.leftChild.color = "Black";
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