
Task #4 Calculating the Mean Now we need to add lines to allow us to read...

Task #4 Calculating the Mean

  1. Now we need to add lines to allow us to read from the input file and calculate the mean.
    1. Create a FileReader object passing it the filename.
    2. Create a BufferedReader object passing it the FileReader object.
  2. Write a priming read to read the first line of the file.
  3. Write a loop that continues until you are at the end of the file.
  4. The body of the loop will:
    1. convert the line into a double value and add the value to the accumulator
    2. increment the counter
    3. read a new line from the file
  5. When the program exits the loop close the input file.
  6. Calculate and store the mean. The mean is calculated by dividing the accumulator by the counter.
  7. Compile, debug, and run. You should now get a mean of 77.444, but the standard deviation will still be 0.000.

Task #5 Calculating the Standard Deviation

  1. We need to reconnect to the file so we can start reading from the top again.
    1. Create a FileReader object passing it the filename.
    2. Create a BufferedReader object passing it the FileReader object.
  2. Reinitialize the sum and count to 0.
  3. Write a priming read to read the first line of the file.
  4. Write a loop that continues until you are at the end of the file.
  5. The body of the loop will:
    1. convert the line into a double value and subtract the mean, store the result in difference
    2. add the square of the difference to the accumulator
    3. increment the counter
    4. read a newline from the file.
  6. When the program exits the loop close the input file.
  7. The variance is calculated by dividing the accumulator (sum of the squares of the difference) by the counter. Calculate the standard deviation by taking the square root of the variance (Use the Math.sqrt method to take the square root).
  8. Compile, debug, and run. You should get a mean of 77.444 and standard deviation of 10.021.

Code Listing 4.1 (

import java.util.Random;   // Needed for the Random class


   This class simulates rolling a pair of dice 10,000 times    and counts the number of times doubles of are rolled for    each different pair of doubles.


public class DiceSimulation


   public static void main(String[] args)


      final int NUMBER = 10000; // Number of dice rolls

      // A random number generator used in

      // simulating the rolling of dice

      Random generator = new Random();

      int die1Value;       // Value of the first die       int die2Value;       // Value of the second die       int count = 0;       // Total number of dice rolls       int snakeEyes = 0;   // Number of snake eyes rolls       int twos = 0;        // Number of double two rolls       int threes = 0;      // Number of double three rolls       int fours = 0;       // Number of double four rolls       int fives = 0;       // Number of double five rolls       int sixes = 0;       // Number of double six rolls

      // TASK #1 Enter your code for the algorithm here        // Display the results

      System.out.println ("You rolled snake eyes " +                           snakeEyes + " out of " +                           count + " rolls.");       System.out.println ("You rolled double twos " +                           twos + " out of " + count +

                          " rolls.");

      System.out.println ("You rolled double threes " +                           threes + " out of " + count +

                          " rolls.");

      System.out.println ("You rolled double fours " +                           fours + " out of " + count +                           " rolls.");

      System.out.println ("You rolled double fives " +                           fives + " out of " + count +                           " rolls.");

      System.out.println ("You rolled double sixes " +                           sixes + " out of " + count +

                          " rolls.");



Code Listing 4.2 (

import java.util.Scanner;

// TASK #3 Add the file I/O import statement here


   This class reads numbers from a file, calculates the    mean and standard deviation, and writes the results    to a file.


public class StatsDemo


   // TASK #3 Add the throws clause    public static void main(String[] args)


      double sum = 0;      // The sum of the numbers       int count = 0;       // The number of numbers added       double mean = 0;     // The average of the numbers       double stdDev = 0;   // The standard deviation       String line;         // To hold a line from the file       double difference;   // The value and mean difference       // Create an object of type Scanner

      Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (;

      String filename;     // The user input file name

      // Prompt the user and read in the file name

      System.out.println("This program calculates " +

                         "statistics on a file " +

                         "containing a series of numbers");       System.out.print("Enter the file name: ");       filename = keyboard.nextLine();


      // Create a FileReader object passing it the filename       // Create a BufferedReader object passing FileReader

      // object

      // Perform a priming read to read the first line of

      // the file

      // Loop until you are at the end of the file

      // Convert the line to a double value and add the

      // value to sum

      // Increment the counter

      // Read a new line from the file

      // Close the input file

      // Store the calculated mean


      // Reconnect FileReader object passing it the

      // filename

      // Reconnect BufferedReader object passing

      // FileReader object

      // Reinitialize the sum of the numbers

      // Reinitialize the number of numbers added

      // Perform a priming read to read the first line of

      // the file

      // Loop until you are at the end of the file       // Convert the line into a double value and

      // subtract the mean

      // Add the square of the difference to the sum

      // Increment the counter

      // Read a new line from the file

      // Close the input file       // Store the calculated standard deviation


      // Create a FileWriter object using "Results.txt"

      // Create a PrintWriter object passing the

      // FileWriter object

      // Print the results to the output file

      // Close the output file



Homework Answers

Answer #1


import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

// TASK #3 Add the file I/O import statement here

 * This class reads numbers from a file, calculates the mean and standard
 * deviation, and writes the results to a file.

public class StatsDemo {

        // TASK #3 Add the throws clause

        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
                double sum = 0; // The sum of the numbers
                int count = 0; // The number of numbers added
                double mean = 0; // The average of the numbers
                double stdDev = 0; // The standard deviation
                String line; // To hold a line from the file
                double difference; // The value and mean difference
                DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("##.000"); // To format decimal value to 3 places
                Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; // Create an object of type Scanner
                String filename; // The user input file name
                System.out.println("This program calculates statistics on a file containing a series of numbers");
                System.out.print("Enter the file name: ");
                filename = keyboard.nextLine(); // Prompt the user and read in the file name

                // ADD LINES FOR TASK #4 HERE

                FileReader file = new FileReader(filename); // Create a FileReader object passing it the filename
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(file); // Create a BufferedReader object passing FileReader
                line = in.readLine(); // Perform a priming read to read the first line of the file
                while (null != line) { // Loop until you are at the end of the file
                        sum += Double.parseDouble(line); // Convert the line to a double value and add the value to sum
                        count++; // Increment the counter
                        line = in.readLine(); // Read a new line from the file
                in.close(); // Close the input file
                mean = sum / count; // Store the calculated mean

                // ADD LINES FOR TASK #5 HERE

                file = new FileReader(filename); // Reconnect FileReader object passing it the filename
                in = new BufferedReader(file); // Reconnect BufferedReader object passing FileReader object
                sum = 0; // Reinitialize the sum of the numbers
                count = 0; // Reinitialize the number of numbers added
                line = in.readLine(); // Perform a priming read to read the first line of the file
                while (null != line) { // Loop until you are at the end of the file
                        difference = Double.parseDouble(line) - mean; // Convert the line to a double value and subtract the mean
                        sum += Math.pow(difference, 2); // Add the square of the difference to the sum
                        count++; // Increment the counter
                        line = in.readLine(); // Read a new line from the file
                in.close(); // Close the input file
                stdDev = Math.sqrt(sum / count); // Store the calculated standard deviation

                // ADD LINES FOR TASK #3 HERE

                FileWriter fileOut = new FileWriter("Results.txt");// Create a FileWriter object using "Results.txt"
                PrintWriter result = new PrintWriter(fileOut);// Create a PrintWriter object passing the FileWriter object
                result.print(f.format(mean) + "\n" + f.format(stdDev)); // Print the results to the output file
                file.close(); // Close the output file
                System.out.println("Successful"); // To show the operation was successful


Please be careful while writing the filename. It should be full file name. For eg - sample.txt

Also if you are entering only the filename without the path then the file should be in the same project ( and not the same package ) as the class. The file Results.txt will also be generated in the same project folder.



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