
I've posted this question like 3 times now and I can't seem to find someone that...

I've posted this question like 3 times now and I can't seem to find someone that is able to answer it. Please can someone help me code this? Thank you!!

Programming Project #4Programmer Jones and the Temple of Gloom

Part 1

The stack data structure plays a pivotal role in the design of computer games. Any algorithm that requires the user to retrace their steps is a perfect candidate for using a stack. In this simple game you will write, the hero is the intrepid Programmer Jones. His job is to enter the Temple of Gloom and retrieve the Golden Keyboard. Jones can take any path he wishes to find the Keyboard. There is just one slight problem, he must follow the EXACT same path out of the Temple or his core will be dumped. If you have never had your core dumped, trust me, you don't want it to happen.

The game starts in a green room within the temple. A 3-digit code must be entered to use the door to an adjacent room. That code must be re-entered on the return through the same door. The goal of the game is to move from room to room, each room has a unique color and the player will provide the code, until you reach the gold room. Once there you must pick up the keyboard and back track through the exact same rooms, entering the same codes, or you die.

To implement this project you are going to build a Room class and a Stack class. You must build your own custom Stack class that pushes Room objects containing colors/codes onto a stack when entering a room and pops them off when returning to a room in the Temple.

A few points about the game:

  1. Entering a room requires a push onto the stack of a room object. The room object must contain the current room color and the player supplied code. So if you leave the green room to enter the blue room, it is green that is pushed onto the stack.
  2. Returning to a room requires a pop off the stack. The player must provide the matching room color and code to on the return, or they die
  3. Travel down dead ends, or in circles is OK, as long as the player returns the exact same way.
  4. Do error checking! Player mistakes like popping from an empty stack, entering a room color that in NOT adjacent to the current room or entering a bogus code (not 3 digit, not numeric, same as the last one) should result in an immediate and painful death
  5. The game should allow the user to restart in the green room with an empty stack after each attempt (successful or not) to retrieve the keyboard

The Room class must have as a minimum a String member variable for the color and an int member variable for the 3-digit numeric code. I suggest using the simple get/set method technique for creating this class.

The Stack class must push and pop Room objects. The minimum data members are top and an array of room objects. The methods must be push(), pop(), peek() and empty().

The 'Dump' button on the screen is for testing and debugging purposes. When it is pressed 'dump' the stack to the console (not on the GUI screen). Do this by creating a second Stack object, popping everything off (and printing color/code) the original stack, and pushing the Room objects on the second Stack. When you are done, pop the Room objects from the second Stack and push them back onto the original. Thereby restoring the original Stack. Do not take short cuts with the 'Dump' command, do not just look at the objects in the original Stack without popping them.

The key point to remember is entering a room requires a push of the current room color (not the new room color) and the player supplied code. When the player returns to a room the color and code must match the Room object popped from the stack.

The colors:

From the green room, there are doors to the brown, pink and blue rooms.
From the pink room, there are doors to the green, brown and blue rooms.
From the brown room, there are doors to the pink, green and red rooms.
From the blue room there are doors to the green, pink and yellow rooms
From the red room, there are doors to the brown and yellow rooms.
From the yellow room there are doors to the red, blue and gold rooms.
From the gold room, there is a door to the yellow room.

Part 2

Extreme ADT Modify your program to work 3 different Stack classes (Array, Link List, Java)


First, look up the documentation for the Java Stack class using the online documentation. Google "Java Stack Class" and it is usually the top result.

You will find documentation on the various methods available, also check out how to copy a Stack object and how to tell when the Stack is empty.

This is how to do it:

Add an interface named MyStack to your project with these methods:

void push ( Room obj )
Room pop ( )
Room peek ( ) 
boolean empty ( )

If all your stack classes StackArray, StackList and StackJava implement this interface your main program can build and use a Stack object for ANY of them without changing the code.

Add a button or ask the user which Stack to use at the start of each game.

Make sure the StackJava classe uses generics to push/pop/peek Room objects.


Below is a starting a program for this project. It contains everything you need to set up a window, enter subroutine names, and push/pop buttons. It contains NO code to create/modify/print a stack. That is your job. An obvious starting point is to create a project, copy and paste this code, and make sure you can compile and run this code AS IS. Then add your portion of the code.


Project Number 4 - Comp Sci 182 - Data Structures
Start Code - Build your program starting with this code

Snakes! I Hate Snakes!   -   Indiana Jones

Copyright 2003,2005 Christopher C. Ferguson
This code may only be used with the permission of Christopher C. Ferguson


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class Project4 extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

private static int xpos=0,ypos=0;// place window at this position
private static int xsize=700,ysize=500;// set window to this size

// Private state variables.

private JPanel northPanel,centerPanel;
private JButton pushButton,popButton,dumpButton,exitButton;
private JTextField colorField;
private JTextField codeField;
private JTextArea outputArea;


public static void main(String[] args) {
        Project4 tpo = new Project4();


public Project4 ()
       addScreenComponents();   // put the stuff on the screen

       // Exit when the window is closed. i.e. when top right X box pressed
       addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {



public void addScreenComponents()  {
       northPanel = new JPanel();
       northPanel.add(new JLabel("Enter A Color: "));
       colorField = new JTextField("",15);
       northPanel.add(new JLabel("And A Code: "));
       codeField = new JTextField("",5);

       pushButton = new JButton("Push");
       popButton = new JButton("Pop");
       dumpButton = new JButton("Dump");
       exitButton = new JButton("Exit");


       centerPanel = new JPanel();
       outputArea = new JTextArea("Who Dares Enter.... The Temple of Gloom!",20,60);

////////////BUTTON CLICKS ///////////////////////////

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

         if (e.getSource()== exitButton) {
            dispose(); System.exit(0);

         if (e.getSource()== popButton) {
                String newcolor = colorField.getText();
                outputArea.setText("Pop returning to " + newcolor);
                // add code to pop color off the stack, check that the color/code matches and change to that color room

         if (e.getSource()== pushButton) {
                String newcolor = colorField.getText();
                outputArea.setText("Push entering " + newcolor);
                 // add code to push color/code ON the stack and change to that color room

         if (e.getSource()== dumpButton) {
                System.out.println("Stack Contents Dump: ");
                 // add code to print contents of Stack to the CONSOLE


}     // End Of Project4

Below is a JavaFX start code for this project. To use it make sure you create a JavaFX project/application and names the project 'Project4':

Project Number 4 - Comp Sci 182 - Data Structures
Start Code - Build your program starting with this code
Snakes! I Hate Snakes!   -   Indiana Jones
Copyright 2015 Christopher C. Ferguson and Aaron Black
This code may only be used with the permission of Christopher C. Ferguson
package project4;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Project4 extends Application {
    private static int xpos = 0, ypos = 0; // place window at this position
    private static int xsize = 700, ysize = 500; // set window to this size
    private Button pushButton, popButton, dumpButton;
    private TextField colorField, codeField;
    private TextArea outputArea;
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        // this pane contains the buttons and text fields that the user will interract with
        HBox topPane = new HBox();
        topPane.setPadding(new Insets(10, 5, 5, 5)); // sets padding around the topPane
        topPane.setSpacing(10.0); // sets spacing between items in pixels
        topPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); // sets the alignment of items added to topPane
        // these are all of the items that are added to the HBox for display
        Label colorLabel = new Label(); // default empty label constructor
        colorLabel.setText("Enter a Color: "); // setting the label text after creation
        topPane.getChildren().add(colorLabel); // adding the label to the HBox
        colorField = new TextField(); // default empty text field constructor
        colorField.setPrefWidth(150.0); // sets size of colorField in pixels
        topPane.getChildren().add(colorField); // adding the textfield to the HBox
        Label codeLabel = new Label("Enter a Code: "); // label with values constructor
        topPane.getChildren().add(codeLabel); // adding
        codeField = new TextField(""); // textfield with starting value constructor (it's empty in this case)
        pushButton = new Button(); // default empty button constructor
        pushButton.setText("Push"); // setting the button text after creation
        pushButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler()); // assigning a class to handle events from this button
        popButton = new Button("Pop"); // button with text constructor
        popButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
        dumpButton = new Button("Dump");
        dumpButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
        Button exitButton = new Button("Exit");
        exitButton.setOnAction(new ExitHandler()); // note that this is a different class to handle the button events
        // this pane contains the output displayed based on user actions
        Pane centerPane = new Pane();
        // these are all of the items added to the pane for display
        outputArea = new TextArea("");
        outputArea.setEditable(false); //
        outputArea.setPrefSize(xsize, ysize);
        outputArea.setText("Who dares enter... The Temple of Gloom!");
        // this pane contains the organization for the other panes
        BorderPane mainPane = new BorderPane();
        // this scene makes up the main window of the project
        Scene scene = new Scene(mainPane, xsize, ysize);
        primaryStage.setTitle("Project 3");
        primaryStage.setScene(scene); // adds the above scene to the window
        primaryStage.setX(xpos); // sets the window to open at this x position
        primaryStage.setY(ypos); // sets the window to open at this y position;
    // ButtonHandler is one implementation of event handling.
    // Multiple buttons are registered to it, and the class itself determines the
    //   necessary action based on who called it.
    // This approach benefits from global buttons, because the handler has to tell where the event came from.
    class ButtonHandler implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {
        public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == popButton) {
                String newcolor = colorField.getText();
                outputArea.setText("Pop returning to " + newcolor);
                // add code to pop color off the stack, check that the color/code matches and change to that color room
            if (e.getSource() == pushButton) {
                String newcolor = colorField.getText();
                outputArea.setText("Push entering " + newcolor);
                // add code to push color/code ON the stack and change to that color room
            if (e.getSource() == dumpButton) {
                System.out.println("Stack Contents Dump: ");
                // add code to print contents of Stack to the CONSOLE
    // ExitHandler is an alternate implementation of event handling
    // Each button is registered to a different handler, which performs the desired actions
    // This approach does not require global buttons.
    class ExitHandler implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {
        public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Homework Answers

Answer #1

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.MediaTracker;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class Project4 extends Application {
private Room currentRoom;
// greenRoom = new Room("green"),pinkRoom = new Room("pink"),
// brownRoom = new Room("brown"),blueRoom = new Room("blue"),redRoom = new Room("red"),
// yellowRoom = new Room("yellow"), goldRoom = new Room("gold");
private Scene scene;
private Stack stack;
private boolean hasKey = false, gameWon = false;

private static int xpos = 0, ypos = 0; // place window at this position
private static int xsize = 700, ysize = 500; // set window to this size

private Button pushButton, popButton, dumpButton, arrayButton, linkButton, javaButton, exitButton,
private TextField colorField, codeField;
// private TextArea outputArea;
private VBox vbox;
private Label txt, colorLabel;
private HBox topPane = new HBox();
private boolean usingArray = false, usingList = false, usingStack = false;

public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

stack = new Stack();
// this pane contains the buttons and text fields that the user will interract with
topPane.setPadding(new Insets(10, 5, 5, 5)); // sets padding around the topPane
topPane.setSpacing(10.0); // sets spacing between items in pixels
topPane.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER_LEFT); // sets the alignment of items added to topPane

//Ask which stack they want to use
arrayButton = new Button("Array");
arrayButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
linkButton = new Button("Link");
linkButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
javaButton = new Button("Java Stack");
javaButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
exitButton = new Button("Exit");
exitButton.setOnAction(new ExitHandler()); // note that this is a different class to handle the button events
vbox = new VBox();
txt = new Label("Welcome to Programmer Jones! Select a data structure.");
// this pane contains the organization for the other panes
BorderPane mainPane = new BorderPane();

// this scene makes up the main window of the project
scene = new Scene(mainPane, xsize, ysize);

primaryStage.setTitle("Project 4");
primaryStage.setScene(scene); // adds the above scene to the window
primaryStage.setX(xpos); // sets the window to open at this x position
primaryStage.setY(ypos); // sets the window to open at this y position;

// ButtonHandler is one implementation of event handling.
// Multiple buttons are registered to it, and the class itself determines the
// necessary action based on who called it.
// This approach benefits from global buttons, because the handler has to tell where the event came from.
class ButtonHandler implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {

public void handle(ActionEvent e) {
if(e.getSource() == getKeyButton) {
hasKey = true;
txt.setText("You got the Golden Keyboard!!!");
if(e.getSource() == arrayButton) {
colorLabel = new Label(); // default empty label constructor
colorLabel.setText("Enter a Color: "); // setting the label text after creation
topPane.getChildren().add(colorLabel); // adding the label to the HBox

colorField = new TextField(); // default empty text field constructor
colorField.setPrefWidth(150.0); // sets size of colorField in pixels
topPane.getChildren().add(colorField); // adding the textfield to the HBox

Label codeLabel = new Label("Enter a Code: "); // label with values constructor
topPane.getChildren().add(codeLabel); // adding

codeField = new TextField(""); // textfield with starting value constructor (it's empty in this case)
Room greenRoomStart = new Room("green");
currentRoom = greenRoomStart;
txt.setText("Who dares enter... The Temple of Gloom! You are in the Green room.\n" +
"Before you stands three doors of Brown Blue and Pink.");
pushButton = new Button(); // default empty button constructor
pushButton.setText("Push"); // setting the button text after creation
pushButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler()); // assigning a class to handle events from this button

popButton = new Button("Pop"); // button with text constructor
popButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());

dumpButton = new Button("Dump");
dumpButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
if(e.getSource() == linkButton) {
txt.setText("This one does not work yet. ");
if(e.getSource() == javaButton) {
txt.setText("This one doesn't work sorry");

if (e.getSource() == popButton) {
String newcolor = colorField.getText();
int code;
try {
code = Integer.parseInt(codeField.getText());
if((code < 100 || code > 999)) {
txt.setText("Enter a 3 digit number!");
catch(Exception e1) {
txt.setText("Enter a 3-digit number!");
txt.setText("Pop returning to " + newcolor);
if(stack.empty() != true) {
&& stack.peek().getKey() == code) {
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
currentRoom = stack.pop();
case "green": scene.getStylesheets().add("green.css");
//THIS IS THE WIN CONDITION. Remove all buttons off the screen
if(stack.empty() && hasKey) {
txt.setText("YOU WON!!!! Restart to play again :)");
case "pink": scene.getStylesheets().add("pink.css");
case "brown": scene.getStylesheets().add("brown.css");
case "blue": scene.getStylesheets().add("blue.css");
case "red": scene.getStylesheets().add("red.css");
case "yellow": scene.getStylesheets().add("yellow.css");
case "gold": scene.getStylesheets().add("gold.css");

}else {
txt.setText("You died.");
}else {
txt.setText("You died.");

if (e.getSource() == pushButton) {
String newcolor = colorField.getText().toLowerCase();
int code;
try {
code = Integer.parseInt(codeField.getText());
if((code < 100 || code > 999)) {
txt.setText("Enter a 3 digit number!");
catch(Exception e1) {
txt.setText("Enter a 3-digit number!");
if(code == stack.peek().getKey()) {
txt.setText("You used that code for the last room!");

txt.setText("Push entering " + newcolor);
case "green":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("blue") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("brown") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("pink"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Brown Blue and Pink doors.");
Room greenRoom = new Room("green");
currentRoom = greenRoom;
case "pink":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("brown") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("red") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("blue"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Brown Blue and Green doors.");
Room pinkRoom = new Room("pink");
currentRoom = pinkRoom;
case "brown":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("green") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("red") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("pink"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Green Red and Pink doors.");
Room brownRoom = new Room("brown");
currentRoom = brownRoom;
case "blue":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("green") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("yellow") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("pink"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Green Yellow and Pink doors.");
Room blueRoom = new Room("blue");
currentRoom = blueRoom;
case "red":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("brown") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("yellow"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Brown and Yellow doors.");
Room redRoom = new Room("red");
currentRoom = redRoom;
case "yellow":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("blue") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("red") ||
currentRoom.getColor().equals("gold"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
txt.setText("Before you stands Red Blue and Gold doors.");
Room yellowRoom = new Room("yellow");
currentRoom = yellowRoom;
case "gold":
//Logic for being able to enter the right rooms
if(!(currentRoom.getColor().equals("yellow"))) {
txt.setText("That door isn't here.");
txt.setText("Before you stands the Yellow door.");
getKeyButton = new Button("Keyboard!!!!");
getKeyButton.setOnAction(new ButtonHandler());
scene.getStylesheets().remove(currentRoom.getColor() + ".css");
Room goldRoom = new Room("gold");
currentRoom = goldRoom;
default: txt.setText("That's not a room! You are in the " + currentRoom.getColor()
+ " room.");

case "green": scene.getStylesheets().add("green.css");
case "pink": scene.getStylesheets().add("pink.css");
case "brown": scene.getStylesheets().add("brown.css");
case "blue": scene.getStylesheets().add("blue.css");
case "red": scene.getStylesheets().add("red.css");
case "yellow": scene.getStylesheets().add("yellow.css");
case "gold": scene.getStylesheets().add("gold.css");



if (e.getSource() == dumpButton) {
Stack temp = new Stack();
System.out.println("Stack Contents Dump: ");
// add code to print contents of Stack to the CONSOLE
System.out.println("The Stack is empty.");
for(int i = stack.getTop(); i > -1; i--) {
System.out.println(i + ": " + stack.peek().getColor() + " " + stack.peek().getKey());
for(int i = temp.getTop(); i > -1; i--)
System.out.println("You have the keyboard.");
System.out.println("You don't have the keyboard");

// ExitHandler is an alternate implementation of event handling
// Each button is registered to a different handler, which performs the desired actions
// This approach does not require global buttons.
class ExitHandler implements EventHandler<ActionEvent> {

public void handle(ActionEvent e) {

public static void main(String[] args) {


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