C Program
Write a program to count the frequency of each alphabet letter (A-Z a-z, total 52 case sensitive) and five special characters (‘.’, ‘,’, ‘:’, ‘;’ and ‘!’) in all the .txt files under a given directory. The program should include a header count.h, alphabetcount.c to count the frequency of alphabet letters; and specialcharcount.c to count the frequency of special characters. Please only add code to where it says //ADDCODEHERE and keep function names the same.
I have also included testalphabetcount.c and testspecialcharcount.c which will be ran to test the program. Please do not modify these files. You will need to modify the paths in order to test, though.
#include <stdio.h>
#define ALPHABETSIZE 52 //The total number of alphabetical
letter from A - Z and a - z(case sensitive)
#define SPECIALCHARSIZE 5 // The number of these special characters
',' '.' ';' ':' '!'
void alphabetlettercount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
void specialcharcount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
#include <stdio.h>
#include "count.h"
void specialcharcount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
The specialcharcount function counts the frequency of the following
5 special characters:
',' '.' ':' ';' '!'
in all the .txt files under directory of the given path and write
the results to a file named as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
the above 5 special characters
charfreq[0]: the frequency of ','
charfreq[1]: the frequency of '.'
charfreq[2]: the frequency of ':'
charfreq[3]: the frequency of ';'
charfreq[4]: the frequency of '!'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of the
above special characters written in
Steps recommended to finish the function:
1) Find all the files ending with .txt and store in filelist.
2) Read all files in the filelist one by one and count the
frequency of each alphabet letter only (a - z). The array
long alphabetfreq[] always has the up-to-date frequencies of
alphabet letters counted so far. If the letter is upper case,
it to lower case first.
3) Write the result in the output file: filetowrite in following
character -> frequency
, -> 20
. -> 11
: -> 20
; -> 11
! -> 12
1) You can assume there is no sub-directory under the given path so
you don't have to search the files
2) Only .txt files are counted and other types of files should be
#include <stdio.h>
#include "count.h"
The alphabetlettercount function counts the frequency of each
alphabet letter (A-Z a-z, case sensitive) in all the .txt files
directory of the given path and write the results to a file named
as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
each alphabet letter from A - Z a - z:
alphabetfreq[0]: the frequency of 'A'
alphabetfreq[1]: the frequency of 'B'
... ...
alphabetfreq[25]:the frequency of 'Z'
alphabetfreq[26]:the frequency of 'a'
... ...
alphabetfreq[51]:the frequency of 'z'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of each
alphabet letter written in
Steps recommended to finish the function:
1) Find all the files ending with .txt and store in filelist.
2) Read all files in the filelist one by one and count the
frequency of each alphabet letter only (A-Z a - z). The array
long alphabetfreq[] always has the up-to-date frequencies of
alphabet letters counted so far.
3) Write the result in the output file: filetowrite in following
letter -> frequency
A -> 200
B -> 101
... ...
1) You can assume there is no sub-directory under the given path so
you don't have to search the files
2) Only .txt files are counted and other types of files should be
void alphabetlettercount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "count.h"
* Print the frequencies of alphabetical characters stored in array:
charfreq[] to output screen in the format as:
* letter -> frequency (one letter a line)
* Input: charfreq - array having the frequency of each alphabet
size - the total number of alphabet letters
* example:
* a -> 20
* b -> 30
void displayalphabetfreq(long charfreq[], int size)
for(int i = 0; i < size/2; i++) // print upper case
letter frequency
printf("%c -> %d\n",
(char)(i+65), charfreq[i]);
for(int i = size/2; i < size; i++) //
print lower case letter frequency
printf("%c -> %d\n", (char)(i+65
+ 6), charfreq[i]);
int main()
char *path = "ADD PATH HERE"; // the data *.txt files
are under this folder
char *filetowrite = "ADD PATH HERE"; // the frequency
of all alphabetical letters will be written in this file
long alphabetfreq[ALPHABETSIZE] = {0}; // array to
store the frequency of each alphablet letter
alphabetlettercount(path, filetowrite, alphabetfreq);
// process the data files
displayalphabetfreq(alphabetfreq, ALPHABETSIZE); //
print the frequency stored in the array to output screen
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "count.h"
* This function prints the frequency stored in array charfreq[] to
output screen.
* Input: charfreq - array having the frequency of special
size - the total number of special characters
* example:
* a -> 20
* b -> 30
void displayspecialcharfreq(long charfreq[], int size)
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
case 0:
printf(", -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 1:
printf(". -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 2:
printf(": -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 3:
printf("; -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 4:
printf("! -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
int main()
char *path = "ADD PATH HERE"; // the path of the
directory including the *.txt files to be processed
char *filetowrite = "ADD PATH HERE"; // the frequency
of all alphabetical letters will be written in this file
long charfreq[SPECIALCHARSIZE] = {0}; // array to
store the frequency of 5 special characters
specialcharcount(path, filetowrite, charfreq); //
count the frequency of special characters and write into file
displayspecialcharfreq(charfreq, SPECIALCHARSIZE); //
print the array to output screen
Working code implemented in C and appropriate comments provided for better understanding:
Here I am attaching code for these files:
Source code for count.h:
/* charcount.h - This header file include type definitions
(including function prototypes) and macros
used for the programing assignment zero.
#include <stdio.h>
#define ALPHABETSIZE 26 //The total number of alphabetical
letter from a - z (case insensitive)
#define SPECIALCHARSIZE 5 // The number of these special characters
',' '.' ';' ':' '!'
void alphabetlettercount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
The alphabetlettercount function counts the frequency of each
alphabet letter (a-z, case insensitive) in all the .txt files
directory of the given path and write the results to a file named
as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
each alphabet letter from a - z:
alphabetfreq[0]: the frequency of 'a'
alphabetfreq[1]: the frequency of 'b'
... ...
alphabetfreq[25]:the frequency of 'z'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of each
alphabet letter written in
void specialcharcount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
The specialcharcount function counts the frequency of the following
5 special characters:
',' '.' ':' ';' '!'
in all the .txt files under directory of the given path and write
the results to a file named as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
the above 5 special characters
charfreq[0]: the frequency of ','
charfreq[1]: the frequency of '.'
charfreq[2]: the frequency of ':'
charfreq[3]: the frequency of ';'
charfreq[4]: the frequency of '!'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of the
above special characters written in
Steps recommended to finish the function:
1) Find all the files ending with .txt and store in filelist.
2) Read all files in the filelist one by one and count the
frequency of each alphabet letter only (a - z). The array
long alphabetfreq[] always has the up-to-date frequencies of
alphabet letters counted so far. If the letter is upper case,
it to lower case first.
3) Write the result in the output file: filetowrite in following
character -> frequency
, -> 20
. -> 11
: -> 20
; -> 11
! -> 12
1) You can assume there is no sub-directory under the given path so
you don't have to search the files
2) Only .txt files are counted and other types of files should be
Source code for alphabetcount.c:
* alphabetcount.c - this file implements the alphabetlettercount
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "count.h"
void alphabetlettercount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
DIR *d;
char *filename;
char *fil;
struct dirent *dir; //directory opening process
d = opendir(path);
if(d != NULL) {
while((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
filename = dir->d_name; //assigns current name to string
size_t t = strlen(filename) - 3; //checks for .txt extentsion
int ctr = 0;
while(t < strlen(filename)) {
if(!(filename[t] == 't' || filename[t] == 'x'))
else {
ctr++; //adds the current letter to a counter
if(ctr == 3) { //counter will only be 3 if "txt" is read
fil = dir->d_name; //immediately stores validated file to be
char p[256];
strcpy(p, path); //concatenates the full data directory to p
strcat(p, "/");
strcat(p, fil);
FILE *f = fopen(p, "r"); //opens the file path for reading
if(f == NULL) { //can't open file, abort
int c = fgetc(f); //grabs the first character
while(!feof(f)) {
if((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) //checks if char's ascii
value is uppercase, and changes it to lowercase
c = c + 32;
if((c >= 97) && (c <= 122)) { //if alphabet letter is
alphabetfreq[c - 97] = (long) alphabetfreq[c - 97] + 1;
//increments desired character counter. c-97 corresponds to each
lowercase's location in the array
c = fgetc(f); //re-initializes fgetc for next character in while
FILE *g = fopen(filetowrite, "w"); //opens result.txt for
for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { //loops through
entire alphabetfreq
fprintf(f, "%c -> %ld\n",
(char)(i+97), alphabetfreq[i]); //formatted writing
closedir(d); //close directory
The alphabetlettercount function counts the frequency of each
alphabet letter (a-z, case insensitive) in all the .txt files
directory of the given path and write the results to a file named
as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
each alphabet letter from a - z:
alphabetfreq[0]: the frequency of 'a'
alphabetfreq[1]: the frequency of 'b'
... ...
alphabetfreq[25]:the frequency of 'z'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of each
alphabet letter written in
Steps recommended to finish the function:
1) Find all the files ending with .txt and store in filelist.
2) Read all files in the filelist one by one and count the
frequency of each alphabet letter only (a - z). The array
long alphabetfreq[] always has the up-to-date frequencies of
alphabet letters counted so far. If the letter is upper case,
it to lower case first.
3) Write the result in the output file: filetowrite in following
letter -> frequency
a -> 200
b -> 101
... ...
1) You can assume there is no sub-directory under the given path so
you don't have to search the files
2) Only .txt files are counted and other types of files should be
Source code for specialcharcount.c:
* specialcharcount.c - this file implements the specialcharcount
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "count.h"
void specialcharcount(char *path, char *filetowrite, long
DIR *d;
char *filename;
char *fil; //stored filename
struct dirent *dir; //directory opening process
d = opendir(path);
if(d != NULL) {
while((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
filename = dir->d_name; //assigns current name to string
size_t t = strlen(filename) - 3; //checks extension for .txt
int ctr = 0;
while(t < strlen(filename)) {
if(!(filename[t] == 't' || filename[t] == 'x'))
else {
ctr++; //adds the current letter to a counter
if(ctr == 3) { //counter will only be 3 if "txt" is read
fil = dir->d_name; //once file checks out, it is immediately
read. Using an array has lead to several issues such as data
corruption, so I switched to this.
char p[256];
strcpy(p, path); //concatenates the entire filepath to p
strcat(p, "/");
strcat(p, fil);
FILE *f = fopen(p, "r"); //opens the file path for reading
if(f == NULL) { //can't open file, abort
int c = fgetc(f); //grabs the first character
while(!feof(f)) {
if(c == 44) {
charfreq[0] = (long) charfreq[0] + 1; //increments desired
character counter
else if(c == 46) {
charfreq[1] = (long) charfreq[1] + 1;
else if(c == 58) {
charfreq[2] = (long) charfreq[2] + 1;
else if(c == 59) {
charfreq[3] = (long) charfreq[3] + 1;
else if(c == 33) {
charfreq[4] = (long) charfreq[4] + 1;
c = fgetc(f); //re-initializes fgetc for next character in while
fclose(f); //close
FILE *g = fopen(filetowrite, "w"); //opens result.txt for
fprintf(f, ", -> %ld\n",
charfreq[0]); //formatted writing
fprintf(f, ". -> %ld\n", charfreq[1]);
fprintf(f, ": -> %ld\n", charfreq[2]);
fprintf(f, "; -> %ld\n", charfreq[3]);
fprintf(f, "! -> %ld\n", charfreq[4]);
closedir(d); //close directory
The specialcharcount function counts the frequency of the following
5 special characters:
',' '.' ':' ';' '!'
in all the .txt files under directory of the given path and write
the results to a file named as filetowrite.
path - a pointer to a char string [a character array] specifying
the path of the directory; and
filetowrite - a pointer to a char string [a character array]
specifying the file where results should be written in.
alphabetfreq - a pointer to a long array storing the frequency of
the above 5 special characters
charfreq[0]: the frequency of ','
charfreq[1]: the frequency of '.'
charfreq[2]: the frequency of ':'
charfreq[3]: the frequency of ';'
charfreq[4]: the frequency of '!'
Output: a new file named as filetowrite with the frequency of the
above special characters written in
Steps recommended to finish the function:
1) Find all the files ending with .txt and store in filelist.
2) Read all files in the filelist one by one and count the
frequency of each alphabet letter only (a - z). The array
long alphabetfreq[] always has the up-to-date frequencies of
alphabet letters counted so far. If the letter is upper case,
it to lower case first.
3) Write the result in the output file: filetowrite in following
character -> frequency
, -> 20
. -> 11
: -> 20
; -> 11
! -> 12
1) You can assume there is no sub-directory under the given path so
you don't have to search the files
2) Only .txt files are counted and other types of files should be
Source code for testalphabetcount.c:
/* This program is to test alphabetcount function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "count.h"
* Print the frequencies of alphabetical characters stored in array:
charfreq[] to output screen in the format as:
* letter -> frequency (one letter a line)
* Input: charfreq - array having the frequency of each alphabet
size - the total number of alphabet letters
* example:
* a -> 20
* b -> 30
void displayalphabetfreq(long charfreq[], int size)
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%c -> %d\n",
(char)(i+97), charfreq[i]);
int main()
char *path = "../data"; // the data *.txt files are
under this folder
char *filetowrite = "result.txt"; // the frequency of
all alphabetical letters will be written in this file
long alphabetfreq[ALPHABETSIZE] = {0}; // array to
store the frequency of each alphablet letter
alphabetlettercount(path, filetowrite, alphabetfreq);
// process the data files
displayalphabetfreq(alphabetfreq, ALPHABETSIZE); //
print the frequency stored in the array to output screen
Source code for testspecialcharcount.c:
/* This program is to test specialcharcount function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "count.h"
* This function prints the frequency stored in array charfreq[] to
output screen.
* Input: charfreq - array having the frequency of special
size - the total number of special characters
* example:
* a -> 20
* b -> 30
void displayspecialcharfreq(long charfreq[], int size)
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
case 0:
printf(", -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 1:
printf(". -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 2:
printf(": -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 3:
printf("; -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
case 4:
printf("! -> %d\n", charfreq[i]);
int main()
char *path = "../data"; // the path of the directory
including the *.txt files to be processed
char *filetowrite = "specialresult.txt"; // the
frequency of all alphabetical letters will be written in this
long charfreq[SPECIALCHARSIZE] = {0}; // array to
store the frequency of 5 special characters
specialcharcount(path, filetowrite, charfreq); //
count the frequency of special characters and write into file
displayspecialcharfreq(charfreq, SPECIALCHARSIZE); //
print the array to output screen
Hope it helps, if you like the answer give it a thumbs up. Thank you.
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