Implement the following circuit to test the characteristics of
a D flip flop.
Using a clock input to operate the flip-flop is rather
You may wish to select the slow motion of the clock OR
to use a simple binary input device instead of a clock input
Verify the flip flop state table.
Q(t+1) = D, is the characteristic equation.
Characteristic Table Excitation Table
==================== ===================
D Q(t+1) Operation Q(t) Q(t+1) D
==================== ===================
0 0 Reset 0 0 0
-------------------- -------------------
1 1 Set 0 1 1
==================== -------------------
1 0 0
1 1 1
Is a D flip-flop positive or negative edge
What happens when the Set pin is set to one?__________
What happens when the Reset pin is set to one?_________
Does it matter what the D input is when either Set or Reset is