Book(bookID, ISBN, title, author, publish-year, category)
Member(memberID, lastname, firstname, address, phone-number,
CurrentLoan(memberID, bookID, loan-date, due-date)...
Book(bookID, ISBN, title, author, publish-year, category)
Member(memberID, lastname, firstname, address, phone-number,
CurrentLoan(memberID, bookID, loan-date, due-date)
History(memberID, bookID, loan-date, return-date)
Members can borrow books from the library. The number of books
they can borrow is limited by the “limit” field of the Member
relation. The category of a book includes fiction, non-fiction,
children’s and reference. The CurrentLoan table represents the
information about books that are currently checked out. When the
book is returned to the library, the record will be...
Problem 1: bookType
Design a bookType class that defines the book
as an ADT. Some of...
Problem 1: bookType
Design a bookType class that defines the book
as an ADT. Some of the characteristics of a book are the title,
author(s), publisher, ISBN, price, and year of publication. You
only need to design the interface (.h file) and not the
implementation (.cpp file)
Each object of the class
bookType can hold the following information about
a book: title, up to four authors, publisher, ISBN, price, and
number of copies in stock.
To keep track of the...
Question 2
The questions in this section are all based on the “Online
Book Exchange System...
Question 2
The questions in this section are all based on the “Online
Book Exchange System (” Case Study on the last
page of this document. Read the case study carefully before
answering these questions.
b) An analyst has identified all the domain
classes and their attributes required for the
system, as listed below. Use ONLY the classes in this list to
draw a Class diagram. The diagram
must show all the classes, their attributes, and the relationships
between the...
Plot a UML diagram for the following application. A chain of
community libraries run book loan...
Plot a UML diagram for the following application. A chain of
community libraries run book loan services. A book can be borrowed
from a library of the chain and returned to another library. A book
has an ISBN number, a title, some authors, and a year of
publication. Books have a loan period limit which is determined by
how frequent the books have been borrowed. Books may have multiple
copies and each copy has an item number. When all copies...