Develop and construct an APA formatted paper (also use LIRN (or JSTOR), Internet, and the textbook) that provides a detailed analysis of the following concepts: · Description of ASP.NET’s functionality and what software is needed for developing applications · Detailed procedures for creating an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio · The proper procedure for using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap in Web From applications · The development of multi-page web applications · Debugging ASP.NET applications · Implementation of server controls.
Softwares required to work with ASP.NET applications
IDE (Integrated Developement environment)
in any language to develop any application IDE is must.
The IDE is a core piece of software development these days and is the one tool developers use on a daily basis.
The default IDE for Microsoft developers (which includes ASP.NET) is Visual Studio;
Visual studio includes almost everything needed to develop, test, and debug web applications
Version control
Any one version control is required to checkin or checkout code
popular version controls are
the advantage of version control are we can save our work
Browser development tools
When building web applications, prefer to use Chrome and its powerful suite of developer tools, which allow you to scrutinize every aspect of a web page (CSS, JavaScript, DOM, resource files, etc.) and offers a JavaScript console. You can change CSS and other elements on the fly to get an instant preview without touching the source.
IIS(internet information server)
Access to an IIS web server. (IIS Express is free for Windows platforms)
To run an application, create a virtual directory and upload the source files to the associated physical directory.
IIS will compile the application for you when you hit the site for the first time.
Detailed procedures for creating an ASP.NET application using Visual Studio
Create ASP.Net MVC Application
Following are the steps to create a project using project templates available in Visual Studio.
Step 1 − Open the Visual Studio. Click File → New → Project menu option.
A new Project dialog opens.
Step 2 − From the left pane, select Templates → Visual C# → Web.
Step 3 − In the middle pane, select ASP.NET Web Application.
Step 4 − Enter the project name, MVCFirstApp, in the Name field and click ok to continue. You will see the following dialog which asks you to set the initial content for the ASP.NET project.
Step 5 − To keep things simple, select the ‘Empty’ option and check the MVC checkbox in the Add folders and core references section. Click Ok.
It will create a basic MVC project with minimal predefined content.
Once the project is created by Visual Studio, you will see a number of files and folders displayed in the Solution Explorer window.
As you know that we have created ASP.Net MVC project from an empty project template, so for the moment the application does not contain anything to run.
Step 6 − Run this application from Debug → Start Debugging menu option and you will see a 404 Not Found Error.
The default browser is, Internet Explorer, but you can select any browser that you have installed from the toolbar.
Add Controller
To remove the 404 Not Found error, we need to add a controller, which handles all the incoming requests.
Step 1 − To add a controller, right-click on the controller folder in the solution explorer and select Add → Controller.
It will display the Add Scaffold dialog.
Step 2 − Select the MVC 5 Controller – Empty option and click ‘Add’ button.
The Add Controller dialog will appear.
Step 3 − Set the name to HomeController and click the Add button.
You will see a new C# file HomeController.cs in the Controllers folder, which is open for editing in Visual Studio as well.
Step 4 − To make this a working example, let’s modify the controller class by changing the action method called Index using the following code.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace MVCFirstApp.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { // GET: Home public string Index(){ return "Hello World, this is ASP.Net MVC Tutorials"; } } }
Step 5 − Run this application and you will see that the browser is displaying the result of the Index action method.
Debugging ASP.NET applications
Debugging allows the developers to see how the code works in a step-by-step manner, how the values of the variables change, how the objects are created and destroyed, etc.
When the site is executed for the first time, Visual Studio displays a prompt asking whether it should be enabled for debugging:
When debugging is enabled, the following lines of codes are shown in the web.config:
<system.web> <compilation debug="true"> <assemblies> .............. </assemblies> </compilation> </system.web>
Breakpoints specifies the runtime to run a specific line of code and then stop execution so that the code could be examined and perform various debugging jobs such as, changing the value of the variables, step through the codes, moving in and out of functions and methods etc.
To set a breakpoint, right click on the code and choose insert break point. A red dot appears on the left margin and the line of code is highlighted as shown:
You can modify the properties of the breakpoint from the Properties menu obtained by right clicking the breakpoint glyph:
The location dialog box shows the location of the file, line number and the character number of the selected code. The condition menu item allows you to enter a valid expression, which is evaluated when the program execution reaches the breakpoint:
Debug ASP.NET Core apps
IIS Express is the default, and is preconfigured. If you're debugging on Local IIS, make sure you meet the requirements for local IIS debugging.
Select the ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio Solution Explorer and click the Properties icon, press Alt+Enter, or right-click and choose Properties.
Select the Debug tab.
In the Properties pane, next to Profile,
Next to Launch, select either IIS Express or IIS from the dropdown.
Make sure Launch browser is selected.
Under Environment variables, make sure that ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT is present with a value of Development. If not, select Add and add it.
7.Use File > Save Selected Items or Ctrl+S to save any changes.
8.To debug the app, in your project, set breakpoints on some code. In the Visual Studio toolbar, make sure the configuration is set to Debug, and either IIS Express, or the new IIS profile name, appears in the emulator field.
9.To start debugging, select IIS Express or <IIS profile name> in the toolbar, select Start Debugging from the Debug menu, or press F5. The debugger pauses at the breakpoints.
Implementation of server controls
The ASP.NET page framework includes a number of built-in server controls that are designed to provide a more structured programming model for the Web. These controls provide the following features:
object.In addition to the built-in controls, the ASP.NET page framework also provides the ability to create user controls and custom controls. User controls and custom controls can enhance and extend existing controls to build a much richer user interface.
HTML server controls
The HTML server controls are HTML elements that include a
attribute. The HTML server controls have
the same HTML output and the same properties as their corresponding
HTML tags. In addition, HTML server controls provide automatic
state management and server-side events. HTML server controls offer
the following advantages:
attribute are compiled
into the assembly.OnServerEvent
for the
most commonly used event for the control. For example, the
<input type=button>
control has an
.The System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlControl
class contains all of the common properties. HTML server controls
derive from this class.
To use an HTML server control, use the following syntax (which
uses the HtmlInputText
control as an example):
<input type="text" value="hello world" runat=server />
Web server controls
Web controls are similar to the HTML server controls such as Button, TextBox, and Hyperlink, except that Web controls have a standardized set of property names. Web server controls offer the following advantages:
The System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
base class
contains all of the common properties. Most of the Web server
controls derive from this class.
To use a Web server control, use the following syntax (which uses the TextBox control as an example):
<asp:textbox text="hello world" runat=server />
Web server controls can be divided into four categories:
Basic web controls
Basic Web controls provide the same functionality as their HTML server control counterparts. However, basic Web controls include additional methods, events, and properties against which you can program.
Button Web Server Control
CheckBox Web Server Control
HyperLink Web Server Control
Image Web Server Control
ImageButton Web Server Control
Label Web Server Control
LinkButton Web Server Control
Literal Web Server Control
Panel Web Server Control
PlaceHolder Web Server Control
RadioButton Web Server Control
Table Web Server Control
TableCell Web Server Control
TableRow Web Server Control
TextBox Web Server Control
Validation controls
Validation controls are used to validate the values that are entered into other controls of the page. Validation controls perform client-side validation, server-side validation, or both, depending on the capabilities of the browser in which the page is displayed. Validation controls offer the following advantages:
RequiredFieldValidator Control
RangeValidator Control
CompareValidator Control
RegularExpressionValidator Control
CustomValidator Control
ValidationSummary Control
Properties of the Server Controls
ASP.NET server controls with a visual aspect are derived from the WebControl class and inherit all the properties, events, and methods of this class.
The WebControl class itself and some other server controls that are not visually rendered are derived from the System.Web.UI.Control class. For example, PlaceHolder control or XML control.
ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the WebControl and System.Web.UI.Control class.
The following table shows the inherited properties, common to all server controls:
Property | Description |
AccessKey | Pressing this key with the Alt key moves focus to the control. |
Attributes | It is the collection of arbitrary attributes (for rendering only) that do not correspond to properties on the control. |
BackColor | Background color. |
BindingContainer | The control that contains this control's data binding. |
BorderColor | Border color. |
BorderStyle | Border style. |
BorderWidth | Border width. |
CausesValidation | Indicates if it causes validation. |
ChildControlCreated | It indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created. |
ClientID | Control ID for HTML markup. |
Context | The HttpContext object associated with the server control. |
Controls | Collection of all controls contained within the control. |
ControlStyle | The style of the Web server control. |
CssClass | CSS class |
DataItemContainer | Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements IDataItemContainer. |
DataKeysContainer | Gets a reference to the naming container if the naming container implements IDataKeysControl. |
DesignMode | It indicates whether the control is being used on a design surface. |
DisabledCssClass | Gets or sets the CSS class to apply to the rendered HTML element when the control is disabled. |
Enabled | Indicates whether the control is grayed out. |
EnableTheming | Indicates whether theming applies to the control. |
EnableViewState | Indicates whether the view state of the control is maintained. |
Events | Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. |
Font | Font. |
Forecolor | Foreground color. |
HasAttributes | Indicates whether the control has attributes set. |
HasChildViewState | Indicates whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings. |
Height | Height in pixels or %. |
ID | Identifier for the control. |
IsChildControlStateCleared | Indicates whether controls contained within this control have control state. |
IsEnabled | Gets a value indicating whether the control is enabled. |
A Tree view control comes under navigation controls. Other Navigation controls are: Menu control and SiteMapPath control.
Add a tree view control on the page. Select Edit Nodes... from the tasks. Edit each of the nodes using the Tree view node editor as shown:
Once you have created the nodes, it looks like the following in design view:
The AutoFormat... task allows you to format the tree view as shown:
Add a label control and a text box control on the page and name them lblmessage and txtmessage respectively.
Write a few lines of code to ensure that when a particular node is selected, the label control displays the node text and the text box displays all child nodes under it, if any. The code behind the file should look like this:
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace eventdemo { public partial class treeviewdemo : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtmessage.Text = " "; } protected void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtmessage.Text = " "; lblmessage.Text = "Selected node changed to: " + TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text; TreeNodeCollection childnodes = TreeView1.SelectedNode.ChildNodes; if(childnodes != null) { txtmessage.Text = " "; foreach (TreeNode t in childnodes) { txtmessage.Text += t.Value; } } } } }
Execute the page to see the effects. You will be able to expand and collapse the nodes.
Types of Web Applications
The inception of web introduced hypertext documents but those were replaced by the sophisticated and feature-rich web apps. The current web application development scene can be divided into two approaches. They are:
1. Multi Page Application
2. Single Page Application
What is Multi Page Application?
Multi page applications are the traditional web applications that reload the entire page and displays the new one when a user interacts with the web app.
Each time when a data is exchanged back and forth, a new page is requested from the server to display in the web browser. This process takes time to generate the pages on the server, sending it to a client and displaying in the browser which may affect the user experience.
However, AJAX had made it possible to render just a particular component of the application, but this makes the development process even more difficult and complex.
Benefits of Multi Page Applications
1. Performs well on the search engine.
2. Provides a visual map of the web app to the user.
Drawbacks of Multi Page Applications
1. Comparatively complex development
2. Coupled backend and frontend
What is Single Page Application?
As per the name suggests, single page applications consists just one single page. SPAs present the content in an easy, elegant and effective way as it loads all the content on just one single page rather than navigating the user to different pages.
SPAs are faster than traditional web applications because they execute the logic in the web browser itself rather than on the server. And after the initial page load, only data is sent back and forth instead of the entire HTML that reduces the bandwidth.
Benefits of Single Page Applications
1. Single Page Apps are smooth and fast.
2. They are easy to develop and deploy.
3. SPAs are easier to debug.
4. Can be transited to mobile apps by reusing the same backend
Drawbacks of Single Page Applications
1. SPAs perform poor on the search engine. But now, with
isomorphic rendering/server-side rendering even SPAs can be
optimized for search engine too.
2. Single page applications provide single sharing link.
3. They are less secure compared to traditional multi-page apps
because of its cross-site scripting.
Bootstrap in Asp.Net MVC Application
Bootstrap is an open-source HTML and CSS based framework that helps to develop responsive and cross browser webpages easily. It is originally developed for internal use in Twitter and later released as free and open-source for developing web pages.
Besides UI styles, it also has number of jQuery based plugins for building many of useful front-end components like Carousel, Alerts, Pop-up components, etc. For Asp.Net developers, Visual Studio IDE includes Bootstrap package by default in all of its web project templates.
The complexity in styling UI elements is made simpler. It is to be noted that most of the web developers are dependent on UI designers for themes and stylesheets until Bootstrap released.
It helps in building responsive web pages easily. Webpages using Bootstrap will auto adjust to various viewports, like smart phones, tablets and desktop screens.
Works in all latest browsers.
It provides many re-usable UI components.
Availability of various free plugins and templates.
several ways to achive multipage web application
and use javascript
to show/hide each sectionasp:Panel
show/hide each section on postbackConfiguring Bootstrap
Download the minified Bootstrap package from here. Unzip the package and copy all the 3 folders into your application root or to the folder where you maintain the styles and scripts. Unzipped package,
If you are using Visual Studio, then creating a new web project will automatically include all necessary bootstrap files for start using bootstrap. If it is not included, you can download using Nuget. On solution explorer, right click project and select “Nuget Package Manager..". Search for Bootstrap and click Install. This will download and install the bootstrap into your project.
Alternatively, you can use CDN instead of maintaining a local bootstrap file copies.
Include the bootstrap stylesheet under head section of the webpage(or your master page layout)
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>@ViewBag.Title - My ASP.NET MVC Application</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<link href="~/Content/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
The 2 meta tags, that sets charset and viewport are mandatory.
Note- I have copied bootstrap styles to Content folder under root directory.
Include the script file before the <body> closing tag. jQuery is necessary if you will use any bootstrap plugin.
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
Applying Bootstrap Styles
Bootstrap provides a responsive fluid design for front end by using a 12 columns Grid Layout system.
Grid Layout
The Grid Layout design splits page into 12 columns (or parts) to form a row and controls can be placed inside each column.
Row with 12 separate columns
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
<div class="col-md-1">.col-md-1</div>
A row can also be defined by combining columns. For example, the below row splits a row into 2, first part taking the width of 8 columns and the other taking width of 4 columns.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">.col-md-8</div>
<div class="col-md-4">.col-md-4</div>
Use of JavaScript in Asp.Net MVC
Now we are in to development of MVC where we would be mostly working with Client side technology the most for make you application lightweight. We would use JavaScript, jQuery library and Bootstrap CSS to make our website interactive. We can validate our Form (.aspx, .html, .cshtml) before sending it server and making ajax calls (post or get) we can reduce response time to load website and provide better user experience for website.
What is JavaScript?
e.g. Let’s have a small example to understand need of JavaScript.
If we have a Registration Form developed in ASP.NET Webforms or MVC and we are validating it on server side. When user fills this Form and submit it to server the request goes to server and then method for Validating Form is called after that if we have improper value then it will return error message which will be displayed by browser. This process take too much time and creates bad user experience at your website or web application. If we validate this same Registration Form on client side with using JavaScript or JQuery we would save valuable time of user by saving round trip to sever for validating. This process will be too fast and will create good user experience at your website or web application. It’s good to do Client side validation first which will send valid data to server and User using this will also love to use it.
css file
to add new css file..
right click on your project - Add new item - select stylesheet -
click Ok
to add existing .css file..
write like this
.body { background: #b6b7bc; font-size: .80em; font-family: "Helvetica Neue" , "Lucida Grande" , "Segoe UI" , Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #696969; }
and in aspx page you can refere
Hide Copy Code<link href="CSS/StyleSheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Creating an HTML Input Page
Razor Example
if (IsPost) {
string companyname = Request["CompanyName"];
string contactname = Request["ContactName"];
<p>You entered: <br />
Company Name: @companyname <br />
Contact Name: @contactname </p>
<form method="post" action="">
Company Name:<br />
<input type="text" name="CompanyName" value="" /><br
Contact Name:<br />
<input type="text" name="ContactName" value="" /><br
/><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="submit" />
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