
Python: Simple Banking Application Project Solution: • Input file: The program starts with reading in all...

Python: Simple Banking Application

Project Solution: • Input file: The program starts with reading in all user information from a given input file. The input file contains information of a user in following order: username, first name, last name, password, account number and account balance. Information is separated with ‘|’. o username is a unique information, so no two users will have same username. Sample input file: Username eaglebank has password 123456, account number of BB12 and balance of $1000.

Program flows as below:

1) data is read in from the given input file,

2) it will be saved to a dictionary referred as users where each key is username and the value will be a list containing rest of the information: first name, last name, password, account number and account balance. One example of key-value pair is: 'eaglebank': ['Eagle', 'Bank', '123456', 'BB12', 1000.0]. 3) user will be presented with a menu and all the operations related to menu options will be performed on this users dictionary.

Main Menu: The program starts with a welcome message and displays main menu. Main menu contains following different options for a user:

Main Menu

1. New User

2. Sign In

3. Exit Application

(Option 1) New User: User has the option of creating a new account. Creating a new account implies adding a new key-value pair in users dictionary. Once account creation is successful, the program will display some informational message and will take user to the Main Menu for relogin. If user chooses a username that already exists, program will ask for another username until user inputs a different username. Hint: A while loop will help you to accomplish this repetition if user chooses an existing username. This scenario is very similar to any login system like mason username. Each user has a unique username. A sample interface can be as follows:

Outcome- 1 (no error)

New user

Enter first name: Jane

Enter last name: Doe

Enter your username: jdoe

Enter your password (between 6-12 characters): 1234567

Your random account number is JKBB

Enter initial balance to deposit: 89

Account jdoe added.

Please login again to start banking.

Outcome - 2 (with error – username already taken)

New user Enter first name: James

Enter last name: Madison

Enter your username: eaglebank

Username already taken. Please choose another username.

Enter your username: hawk

Username already taken. Please choose another username

Enter your username: jcon

Enter your password (between 6-12 characters): password

Your random account number is INRD

Enter initial balance to deposit: 1000

Account jcon added.

Please login again to start banking

(Option 2) Sign In: Existing users need to sign in to account using username and password. Once username and password matches, program will take user to existing user menu (see sub-options below for details). Each user has maximum three chances to login, once all the chances are used, program will display a message and take back to main menu.

Output - 1 (no error)

Enter username: eaglebank

Enter password: 123456

Login successful. Welcome eaglebank

Existing User Menu

1. Deposit

2. Withdraw

3. Fast Cash

4. Transfer

5. Account Summary

6. Logout Enter option (1-6):

Output- 2 (users try to login three times)

Enter option (1-3): 2

Enter username: eaglebank

Enter password: 45678910

Username and password do not match.

Enter username: eaglebank

Enter password: password

Username and password do not match.

Enter username: eaglebank

Enter password: 1234567!!

Username and password do not match. You tried to login three times. Taking to main menu.

Homework Answers

Answer #1


import string

import random

alphanumeric = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits


account = open("bank.txt")

acc_list = [x.strip("\n").split("|") for x in account.readlines()]

for i in range(len(acc_list)):


    acc_dict[acc_list[i][0]] = acc_list[i][1:]


while 1:

    print("Main Menu \n1. New User \n2. Sign In \n3. Exit Application \n")

    n=int(input("Enter your choice: "))

    if n==1:

        fname = input("Enter first name: ")

        lname = input("Enter last name: ")

        username = input("Enter your username: ")

        while username in acc_dict:

            print("Username already taken. Please choose another username.")

            username = input("Enter your username: ")

        password = input("Enter your password (between 6-12 characters): ")

        while len(password)<6 or len(password)>12:

            print("Password length should be between 6-12 characters.")

            password = input("Enter your password (between 6-12 characters): ")

        acc_no = ''.join((random.choice(alphanumeric) for i in range(4)))

        print("Your random account number is",acc_no)

        bal = float(input("Enter initial balance to deposit: "))


        acc_dict[username] = new_acc


        print("Please login again to start banking.")


    elif n==2:

        count = 0

        flag = 0

        username = input("Enter username: ")

        password = input("Enter password: ")

        while username not in acc_dict or acc_dict[username][2] != password:

            print("Username and password do not match.")

            count +=1

            if count==3:

                print("You tried to login three times. Taking to main menu.")

                flag = 1


            username = input("Enter username: ")

            password = input("Enter password: ")

        if flag ==1:



            print("Login successful. Welcome",username)

            print("Existing User Menu")

            while 1:

                print("1. Deposit \n2. Withdraw \n3. Fast Cash \n4. Transfer \n5. Account Summary \n6. Logout")

                choice = int(input("Enter option (1-6)"))

                if choice==1:

                    amt = float(input("Enter amount to deposit: "))

                    acc_dict[username][4] +=amt

                    print("Deposit Successful")


                elif choice==2:


                    amt = float(input("Enter amount to withdraw: "))

                    if acc_dict[username][4]<amt:

                        print("Insufficient Funds in your account!")

                        flag = 1


                    if flag==1:


                    acc_dict[username][4] -=amt

                    print("Withdrawal Successful")


                elif choice==3:


                    print("1. 500 \n2. 1000 \n3. 5000")

                    x = int(input("Choose amount to withdraw: "))

                    if x==1:

                        if acc_dict[username][4]<500:

                            print("Insufficient Funds in your account!")

                            flag = 1


                        if flag==1:


                        acc_dict[username][4] -=500

                        print("Withdrawal Successful")


                    elif x==2:

                        if acc_dict[username][4]<1000:

                            print("Insufficient Funds in your account!")

                            flag = 1


                        if flag==1:


                        acc_dict[username][4] -=1000

                        print("Withdrawal Successful")


                    elif x==3:

                        if acc_dict[username][4]<5000:

                            print("Insufficient Funds in your account!")

                            flag = 1


                        if flag==1:


                        acc_dict[username][4] -=5000

                        print("Withdrawal Successful")



                        print("Invalid input")


                elif choice==4:

                    user = input("Enter the username of user you want to transfer money: ")

                    if user not in acc_dict:

                        print("User does not exist")


                    amt=float(input("Enter amount you want to transfer: "))

                    if acc_dict[username][4]<amt:

                        print("Insufficient Funds in your account!")

                        flag = 1


                    if flag==1:


                    acc_dict[username][4] -=amt


                    print("Transfer Successful")


                elif choice==5:

                    print("***Account Summary***")

                    print("First Name: ",acc_dict[username][0])

                    print("Last Name: ",acc_dict[username][1])

                    print("Username: ",username)

                    print("Account Number: ",acc_dict[username][3])

                    print("Account Balance: ",acc_dict[username][4])

                elif choice==6:



                    print("Invalid Choice!")

    elif n==3:



        print("Invalid Choice!")



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