Design a module named multiplication, which uses parameter variables to accept two Real arguments. The module will perform multiply the two parameters and then store the result in a local variable result; then it will pass the result to a module displayResults to display the result on screen. The displayResults module is already developed by your team.
Module displayResults(Real tobePrinted)
Display “The final result is: “, tobePrinted
End Module
This shouldn't be in Java or any other programming language. I want it in Pseudocode and IPO chart.
Pseudocode for multiplication of two real numbers by parameter passing
1. Start the program
2. Read the value for two variables a and b
3. Product = a*b
4 Assign the value of product to result.
5. Pass the value of result to display module.
6 Write "the result is"
7. Write result
8.End program
Pseudocode is a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm or another system
Pseudo code can be broken down into five components.
• Variables:
• Assignment:
• Input/output:
• Selection:
• Repetition:
IPO chart
The input taken for the IPO chart is the values for two variaables
Process is the calculation of product of two variables snd assign the value to result.
Output is displaying the value of product
The IPO chart is given below
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