Edge computing is the next innovation in cloud computing. Cloud computing uses networks of remote servers to provide on demand computer system resources, enabling the public to exchange data at high speeds over the internet. The innovation of edge computing increases competition among mobile telecom carriers and cloud computing providers while benefitting the public market they serve. Traditionally mobile carrier “5G networks will allow vast gobs of data to be transmitted at great speeds.” (Webb, 2019). Although speeds are great, there are instances where faster processing decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. Like in the instance of the stock market where shares are bought and sold, “it’s worth trying to slash the time it takes to reach a cloud server.” (Webb, 2019). Edge computing allows “cloud functions [to] run on servers that are physically closer to the end user, thereby cutting the distance to a computer making a given decision. They’re at the “edge” of the network.” (Webb, 2019). Cloud providers like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google have the market and the scale to exploit edge computing to their benefit. They have the money and servers to increase transmission speeds, keep data on their private network, and drive the revenue to their companies. This presents problems for mobile carriers who could potentially spend “hundreds of billions of dollars on upgrading their networks, only to become the providers of dumb pipes exploited by technology behemoths” (Webb, 2019). Telecom providers see the innovation and are proactively putting damage control measures in place by “trying to ensure they’re the gatekeepers for their customers’ relationships with the cloud operators” (Webb, 2019). We’re in the very early stages of the cloud computing war, but the end result will benefit the everyday person who’s looking to trade stock or play a game online.
Edge computing is actually a web of data centers which processes the data and stores it locally before sending it to the central data center. This is essential to avoid disturbances and to speed down of the data transfer. So, this checkpoint before the main Data Center receives it is called “the edge” or the border of the network.
Each device or endpoint processes a small quantity of the data at the ‘edge’ instead of directly sending it to the main cloud. The devices have the computing power closer to them which helps in reducing the latency and increasing the efficiency of the critical data transfer.
Generally, a real-time response is essential for the sensors which have to take decisions. Therefore, there was a necessity of such a system which processes local data and aids in better decision-making without hampering the operations. Hence, edge computing came into existence.
The Role of Edge Computing in Transforming Business
The critical factor to run any industry is data, especially for those who are witnessing digital transformation through technologies like artificial intelligence, internet of things, and machine learning. Edge computing helps in speeding up the processes and reducing the delays in all such data-oriented industries.
Edge Computing’s Industry-Specific Benefits
Increasing the uptime of machinery and augmenting the functionality are the essential functions which edge computing can achieve. It processes the IoT data at a quick speed and hence, avoids malfunctions in the processes.
In this industry, the key people need to have constant updates about the goods/shipments, their location, and their activities to streamline their work. The IoT sensors are there in the storehouses, and edge computing can thus help in tracking and monitoring the precise location of the goods in the accurate real time.
The retailers can gain insights in detail from the data during the high peak of the sale. Due to edge Computing, things like generation and processing of the data are rapid, and it goes further to the central accounting systems. So, for any brick-and-mortar model, edge computing is beneficial.
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