design a C++ program that make use to embedded in a Arduino micro controller. that will control a conveyor belt. the program must be able to start and stop the conveyor belt. should have 3 led light on it.( red led is used when conveyor is running) (yellow led is when conveyor is about to move must blink 10 times and should sound a beeping alarm) (green is when conveyor is stop) you also have to add a Start and stop button and a emergency push button. the program must include a proximity sensor to stop conveyor so that the robotic amartron will pick up package. also this conveyor system should work off wifi to remote start and stop the conveyor.
A C++ program that make use to embedded in a Arduino micro controller.
Main Components used:
Arduino Mega as my micro-controller
3 LED's (green, yellow, red)
DC motor (6volt)
2 ultrasonic sensors (HC-SR04)
This code is designed to control a conveyor
// Define pins for ultrasonic
int const trigPin = 10; //trigger pin for start sensor
int const echoPin = 9; // echo pin for start sensor
int const trigPin1 = 12; //trigger pin for stop sensor
int const echoPin1 = 11; //echo pin for stop sensor
int motorPin = 4; //conveyor belt motor
int const buttonPin = 2; //ON pushbutton pin
int const buttonPin1 = 3; //Off pushbutton pin
int const GreenledPin = 5; //system ON LED pin
int const YellowledPin = 6; //motor ON LED pin
int const RedledPin = 7; // system OFF LED pin
boolean Redbuttonstate = LOW;
boolean Blackbuttonstate = LOW;
boolean controlstate = LOW;
// variables will change:
//int ONbuttonState = 1; // variable for reading the pushbutton
//int OFFbuttonState = 1; // variable for reading the pushbutton
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // trig pin will have
pulses output for start sensor
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // echo pin should be
input to get pulse width for the start sensor
pinMode(trigPin1, OUTPUT); // trig pin will have
pulses output for the stop sensor
pinMode(echoPin1, INPUT); // echo pin should be
input to get pulse width for the stop sensor
pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); // motor pin
pinMode(GreenledPin, OUTPUT); // system ON LED
pinMode(YellowledPin, OUTPUT); // motor ON LED
pinMode(RedledPin, OUTPUT); // system OFF LED
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // ON push button(momentary)
pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT); // OFF push button(momentary)
void loop() {
Redbuttonstate = digitalRead(buttonPin);
Blackbuttonstate = digitalRead(buttonPin1);
//if button is pressed system should be on and allow motor to be
turned on and off by the start and stop sensors
if (Redbuttonstate == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(controlstate, HIGH); //red button is the ON button so
controlstate is HIGH to allow the conveyor system to operate
if (Blackbuttonstate == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(controlstate, LOW); //black button is the OFF button
so controlstate is LOW to enable red LED and not allow conveyor
system to operate.
while (controlstate = HIGH) {
// Duration will be the input pulse width and
distance will be the distance to the obstacle in centimeters
int duration, distance; // distance and duration
for the START sensor
// Output pulse with 1ms width on trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Measure the pulse input in echo pin
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Distance is half the duration devided by
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; //distance of
object from Start sensor
int duration1, distance1; // distance and
duration for the STOP sensor
// Output pulse with 1ms width on trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin1, LOW);
// Measure the pulse input in echo pin
duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin1, HIGH);
// Distance is half the duration devided by
distance1 = (duration1/2) / 29.1; // distance of
object from STOP sensor
digitalWrite(GreenledPin, HIGH); //green LED ON
because system is active
if (distance <= 10 && distance >= 0) {
digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); // if START sensor detects an object
within 10cm motor is activated and belt begins to turn
digitalWrite(YellowledPin, HIGH); // Yellow LED is on indicating
that the conveyor bely is in motion
if (distance1 <= 10 && distance1 >= 0) {
// Motor off
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW); // if STOP sensor detects an object
within 10 cm motor should turn OFF
digitalWrite(YellowledPin, LOW); //Yellow LED off because the
system is no longer in motion
while (controlstate == LOW) {
digitalWrite(RedledPin, HIGH); // Red LED is off
while the system is off
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