Write a Matlab function convert T such that convert T(x, ’C’) converts from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, while convert T(x, ’F’) converts from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
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function T = convert_T (x, flag)
%convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures
%for example, convert_T(10, 'C') should return 50
%and convert_T(50, 'F') should return 10
Input Code:
function T = convert_T(x,flag)
if (flag == 'F' || flag == 'f')
converted = (x-32)*(5/9);
convertedto = 'C';
T =converted;
elseif (flag == 'C' || flag == 'c')
converted = x*(9/5) + 32;
convertedto = 'F';
T =converted;
fprintf('\nYou have given a wrong input\n')
Note:you go to the command prompt and type “convert_T(inputvalue1, inputvalue2)”. This means you type your function's name and the values you want to assign to the inputs.Then you will get result
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