Practice writing SQL queries
For this question, we will consider the following tables
people, grades, and courses. Your task is to express
of the given queries in SQL. Example data are provided in
tables for your convenience but note that they are only
example data.
Your queries must work for all potential data residing in the
tables, not just those illustrated here.
People (id, name, age, address)
p1 | Tom Martin| 24 | 11, Integer Avenue, Fractions, MA
p2 | Al Smith | 33 | 26, Main Street, Noman's Land, PA
p3 | Kim Burton| 40 | 45, Elm Street, Blacksburg, VA
Courses (cid, name, department)
c1 | Systematic Torture | MATH
c2 | Pretty Painful | CS
c3 | Not so Bad | MATH
c4 | Big Data | CS
Grades (pid, cid, grade)
p1 | c1 | 3.5
p2 | c3 | 2.5
p3 | c2 | 4.0
p3 | c4 | 3.85
1. Find the names of courses taken by Tom Martin.
2. Print person name, course name, and grade in a convenient
3. Print person names and their grades in MATH courses.
4. Find the names of courses that people from VA have
5. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3 or
better in some
course. List the namesmes of these people alongside the course
6. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3.5 or
better in at
least two courses.
7. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3.5 or
better in at least
three courses.
8. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3.5 or
better in exactly
two courses.
9. What is the name of the person who received the highest
grade in the "Big Data" course?
10. This question builds on the previous question; what is the
name of the person
who received the second highest grade in the "Big Data"
11. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3.5 or
better in every course (given in
the Courses table).
12. Find the names of people who received a grade of 3.5 or
better in every course they have taken.