Write a complete Java application according to the following specifications: The application is built with Ant and uses gson-2.8.5.jar (or later), which must be included properly in the NetBeans-exported zip file you submit to Canvas The application has at least the following four source-code files: StudentInfoGsonApp.java, Student.java, StudentList.java, PhoneNumber.java The main method in StudentInfoGsonApp creates the studentInfo String array as follows: String[] studentInfo = {"John, Doe, 3.1, 866-555-1212, Rust;Julia", "Jane, Deere, 3.25, 898-555-1212, swimming;sleeping;dreaming;kayaking", "Sam, Spade, 2.9, 888-555-1212, coffee-drinking;Java;Python"}; creates a new StudentList Object and populates that StudentList Object with three Student Objects that take their values from studentInfo array above, according to these specifications: The phone number in each Student Object is an Object of type PhoneNumber, and that Object has three integer fields (for area code, prefix, and line number) into which the each phone number gets parsed. The skills variable in each Student Object is an array of Strings containing that Student's skills, which are listed as the semicolon-separated items at the end of each student in the above studentInfo array. creates a new Gson Object (ready for pretty printing) and uses a method of that Object to convert your StudentList Object to a JSON String. converts that JSON String back to a *new and different* Java Object of type StudentList prints the output below by: first pretty-printing the JSON String you created above, and then iterating through the *new and different* Java StudentList Object you created to print its values exactly as shown below. Syntax counts here. { "students": [ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "gpa": 3.1, "phoneNumber": { "areaCode": 866, "prefix": 555, "lineNum": 1212 }, "skills": [ "Rust", "Julia" ] }, { "firstName": "Jane", "lastName": "Deere", "gpa": 3.25, "phoneNumber": { "areaCode": 898, "prefix": 555, "lineNum": 1212 }, "skills": [ "swimming", "sleeping", "dreaming", "kayaking" ] }, { "firstName": "Sam", "lastName": "Spade", "gpa": 2.9, "phoneNumber": { "areaCode": 888, "prefix": 555, "lineNum": 1212 }, "skills": [ "coffee-drinking", "Java", "Python" ] } ] } [firstName: John, lastName: Doe, gpa: 3.1, phoneNumber=866-555-1212, skills: [Rust,Julia]] [firstName: Jane, lastName: Deere, gpa: 3.25, phoneNumber=898-555-1212, skills: [swimming,sleeping,dreaming,kayaking]] [firstName: Sam, lastName: Spade, gpa: 2.9, phoneNumber=888-555-1212, skills: [coffee-drinking,Java,Python]]
public class Student{
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private float gpa;
private PhoneNumber phoneNumber;
private String skills[];
// constructor
public Student(String f,String l,float g,PhoneNumber p,String s[]) {
public String toString() {
String str="[firstName: "+firstName+", lastName: "+lastName+", gpa: "+gpa+", phoneNumber="+phoneNumber+", skills: [";
for(String s:skills) {
return str;
public class PhoneNumber{
private int areaCode;
private int prefix;
private int lineNum;
// constructor
public PhoneNumber(int a,int p,int l) {
public String toString() {
return areaCode+"-"+prefix+"-"+lineNum;
class StudentList{
private ArrayList<Student> students;
// constructor
public StudentList() {
students=new ArrayList<>();
public StudentList(StudentList l) {
students=new ArrayList<>();
for(Student s:l.students) {
// function to add Student to students list
public void add(Student s) {
// function to display Student objects of students list
public void display() {
for(Student st:students) {
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
public class StudentInfoGsonApp {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String[] studentInfo = {"John, Doe, 3.1, 866-555-1212, Rust;Julia",
"Jane, Deere, 3.25, 898-555-1212, swimming;sleeping;dreaming;kayaking",
"Sam, Spade, 2.9, 888-555-1212, coffee-drinking;Java;Python"};
Gson g=new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();// gson object for pretty printing
StudentList dd=new StudentList();
for(int i=0;i<studentInfo.length;i++) {// iterate studentInfo array to create Student objects
String m[]=studentInfo[i].split(", ");
String mm[]=m[3].split("-");
PhoneNumber p=new PhoneNumber(Integer.parseInt(mm[0]),Integer.parseInt(mm[1]),Integer.parseInt(mm[2]));
String s[]=m[4].split(";");
Student ob=new Student(m[0],m[1],Float.parseFloat(m[2]),p,s);
String json=g.toJson(dd);// java object to json string
StudentList l=g.fromJson(json,StudentList.class);// json string to java object
StudentList newl=new StudentList(l);
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