
import java.util.Scanner; public class ListDriver {    /*    * main    *    * An...

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ListDriver {

   * main
   * An array based list is populated with data that is stored
   * in a string array. User input is retrieved from that std in.
   * A text based menu is displayed that contains a number of options.
   * The user is prompted to choose one of the available options:
   * (1) Build List, (2) Add item, (3) Remove item, (4) Remove all items,
   * or (5) done. The switch statement manages calling the
   * appropriate method based on the option chosen by the user, and
   * prompts the user for further input as required Program terminates
   * if user chooses option (5). If the user chooses an option that is
   * not in the menu, a message telling the user to choose an appropriate
   * option is written to std out, followed by the options menu.
   public static void main(String[] args)
       String[] dataItems = {"milk","eggs","butter","apples","bread","chicken"};

       // TO DO: add code here
   } // end of main method
   * Displays the options menu, including the prompt
   * for the user
   public void displayMenu()
       // TODO: add code here
   * displayStatus
   * displays information about the state of
   * the list
   * Preconditions: a reference to a list
   * Postconditions:
   * "List empty: B" where B is either TRUE or FALSE
   * and "Size of list: n" where n is the size of
   * the list is written to std out.
   public void displayStatus(ListArrayBased list)
       // TO DO: add code here
   * displayList
   * Precondition: a reference to a list
   * Postcondition: list is displayed on std out
   public void displayList(ListArrayBased list)
       // TO DO: add code here
   * buildList
   * Precondition: a reference to a list and an string array
   * of items to be address to the list
   * Postcondition: items stored the string array are added
   * to the list.
   public void buildList(ListArrayBased list, String[] items)
       // TO DO: add code here

   * addItem
   * Precondition: a reference to a list, a String
   * representing a grocery item, and the integer
   * pos is the position in the list
   * Postcondition: an item is added to the list at
   * position pos.
   public void addItem(ListArrayBased list, String item, int pos)
       // TO DO: add code here      
   * removeItem
   * Precondition: a reference to a list and
   * int pos;
   * Postcondition: item is removed from the list by its
   * position pos.
   public void removeItem(ListArrayBased list, int pos)
       // TO DO: add code here      
   * removeAllItems
   * Precondition: a reference to a list
   * Postcondition: all items currently stored in the list
   * are removed
   public void removeAllItems(ListArrayBased list)
       // TO DO: add code here
} // end of class ListArrayBasedDriver

Homework Answers

Answer #1

Implementation in JAVA:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ListDriver {
   static Scanner s= new Scanner(;
   static ListArrayBased<String> list= new ListArrayBased<>(20);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String[] dataItems = {"milk","eggs","butter","apples","bread","chicken"};
       while(true) {
           int selection=s.nextInt();
           switch(selection) {
           case 1:
              case 2:
                  System.out.print("Enter the item you want to add : ");
                  System.out.print("Enter the index on which you want to add item : ");
                  int pos=s.nextInt();
              case 3:
                  System.out.println("Enter the index on which you want to add item : ");
                  int posi=s.nextInt();
              case 4:
              case 5:
              case 6:
                      System.out.println("Invalid choice");
                       System.out.println("Please enter the valid choice");

   public static void displayMenu()
       System.out.println("1 : Build List ");
       System.out.println("2 : Add Item ");
       System.out.println("3 : Remove Item ");
       System.out.println("4 : Remove All Items ");
       System.out.println("5 : View List");
       System.out.println("6 : Done");
       System.out.print("Choice: ");
public static void displayStatus(ListArrayBased list)
   public static void displayList(ListArrayBased list)
   public static void buildList(ListArrayBased list, String[] items)
   for(int i=0;i<items.length;i++) {
   public static void addItem(ListArrayBased list, String item, int pos)
       list.add(item, pos);
   public static void removeItem(ListArrayBased list, int pos)
   public static void removeAllItems(ListArrayBased list)

// class ListArrayBased

class ListArrayBased<E> {
   private E listArray[]; // Array holding list elements
   private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10; // Default size
   private int maxSize; // Maximum size of list
   private int listSize; // Current # of list items
   // Position of current element
   ListArrayBased(int size) {
       maxSize = size;
       listSize = 0;
       listArray = (E[])new Object[size]; // Create listArray
   ListArrayBased() {
   public void clear() // Reinitialize the list
   { listSize = 0;
   } // Simply reinitialize values
   public int size() {
       return listSize;
   public void add(E it,int pos) {
       if (listSize >= maxSize && pos>=listSize) {
           throw new NoSuchElementException();
       ArrayList<E> list= new ArrayList<E>();
       for(int i=0;i<listSize;i++) {
       int j=0;
       for(int i=0;i<=listSize;i++) {
           if(i==pos-1) {
           else {
   public boolean add(E it) {
       if (listSize >= maxSize) return false;
       // to make room
       listArray[listSize] = it;
       listSize++; // Increment list size
       return true;
   public E remove() throws NoSuchElementException {
       if (0==listSize) // No current element
       throw new NoSuchElementException();
       E it = listArray[listSize-1]; // Copy the element
       listSize--; // Decrement size
       return it;
   public E remove(int pos) throws NoSuchElementException {
       if ((pos<0) || (pos>=listSize-1)) // No current element
       throw new NoSuchElementException();
       if ( pos>=listSize) {
           throw new NoSuchElementException();
ArrayList<E> list= new ArrayList<E>();
       for(int i=0;i<listSize;i++) {
       E it=listArray[pos];
       int j=0;
for(int i=0;i<listSize;i++) {
           if(i==pos-1) {
           else {
       listSize--; // Decrement size
       return it;
   public E get(int pos) throws NoSuchElementException {
       if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= listSize)) // No current element
       throw new NoSuchElementException();
       return listArray[pos];
   public void print() {
       System.out.print(" List is : [ ");
       for(int i=0;i<listSize;i++) {
           System.out.print(listArray[i]+", ");


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