
Create a header file (lastname_employeerec.h) that defines an employee data structure (sEMPLOYEE) that can be linked...

  1. Create a header file (lastname_employeerec.h) that defines an employee data structure (sEMPLOYEE) that can be linked onto a linked list. The data structure should have the following fields:

a. First Name (firstName)

b. Last Name (lastName)

c. Employee ID (id)

d. Start Year (startYear)

e. Starting Salary (startSalary)

f. Current Salary (currentSalary)

g. next

Create a library of functions that operate on this data structure. The source code for the functions should be in lastname_employeerec.c and the function prototypes should be included in lastname_employeerec.h. The following functions should be in the library:

  1. sEMPLOYEE *create_employee_record() – allocates memory for a new employee record, prompts user, through the console, to enter the data for the employee, returns a pointer to the newly created employee record
  2. sEMPLOYEE *add_employee_record(sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead, sEMPLOYEE *employee) – adds the employee record to a linked list; returns the new list head (it might have changed)
  3. sEMPLOYEE *delete_employee_record(sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead, unsigned int id) – deletes the employee record with the specified employee ID (can linear search to find record); returns the new list head (it might have changed)
  4. void print_employee_record(sEMPLOYEE *employee) – prints the data in the employee record
  5. sEMPLOYEE *sort_employee_records(sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead) – sorts the list of employee records according to entire last name; returns the new list head (it might have changed)
  6. int write_employee_records(char *filename, sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead) – writes the list of employee records to a file; returns 0 on SUCCESS, 1 on FAILURE g. sEMPLOYEE
  7. *read_employee_records(char *filename, sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead) – reads employee records from a file and adds them to the specified linked list; the new list head (it might have changed)

Add the following functions to your program’s library of functions:

  1. sEMPLOYEE *find_employee_record_by_name(sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead, char *lastName, char *firstName) – searches for the employee record that matches both queried employee last and first names; returns pointer to record if found, NULL otherwise
  2. sEMPLOYEE *find_employee_record_by_id (sEMPLOYEE *employeeListHead, unsigned int id) – searches for the employee record that matches the queried employee id; returns pointer to record if found, NULL otherwise
  3. int update_employee_record_id(sEMPLOYEE *employeeRecord, unsigned int id) – updates the employee record with the specified employee ID; returns 0 on SUCCESS, 1 on FAILURE

  1. int update_employee_record_current_salary(sEMPLOYEE *employeeRecord, float currentSalary) – updates the employee record with the specified current salary; returns 0 on SUCCESS, 1 on FAILURE
  1. Create an application with source code in lastname_main.c that is an employee record management system:

1 – add a new employee record

2 – delete an employee record

3 – sort employee records by last name

4 – print all employee records

5 – write all employee records to a file

6 – read employee records from a file

7 – search employee records (last & first names)

8 – search employee records (employee id)

9 – update employee record (employee id)

10 – update employee record (current salary)

0 – exit

  1. Create a Makefile to build two versions of your application: a normal version (employee) and a debug version (employee_dbg) that is ready for use in GDB. Your Makefile should be designed so that a source file is compiled only if it has been modified.

In C language please

Homework Answers

Answer #1

#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct EMPLOYEE {
char* firstName;
char* lastName;
unsigned int id ;
int startYear;
double startSalary;
double currentSalary;
struct EMPLOYEE* next;

int showMenu();
void deleteRecord(sEMPLOYEE* rec );
void deleteList(sEMPLOYEE* employeeList );
sEMPLOYEE* create_sEMPLOYEE_record();
sEMPLOYEE* delete_sEMPLOYEE_record(sEMPLOYEE* sEMPLOYEEList ,unsigned int ID );
void print_sEMPLOYEE_record(sEMPLOYEE *sEMPLOYEE);
int write_sEMPLOYEE_record(char* filename, sEMPLOYEE* sEMPLOYEEList);
sEMPLOYEE* read_employee_record(char* filename, sEMPLOYEE* employeeList );

############# c file ###########
#include "lastname_employee.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int showMenu()
printf(" Enter your choice from following : \n");
printf(" 1. add a new employee record.\n");
printf(" 2.delete an employee record.\n");
printf(" 3. sort employee record by last name\n");
printf(" 4. print all employee records.\n");
printf(" 5. Write all employee records to a file.\n");
printf(" 6. read employee records from a file.\n");
printf(" 7. exit .\n");
int ip ;
char c1 ;
scanf("%d%c", &ip , &c1 );
//printf(" GOt - %d \n",ip);
return ip ;

sEMPLOYEE* create_sEMPLOYEE_record()
char line[1024] ;
char * buf = line ;
size_t len = 50;
size_t x = 0;
sEMPLOYEE* nRec = (sEMPLOYEE *) malloc( sizeof(sEMPLOYEE));
nRec->next = NULL;
printf("Enter LastName : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->lastName = (char* ) malloc( sizeof(char) * x );
printf("Enter first Name : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->firstName = (char* ) malloc( sizeof(char) * x );
printf("Enter Employee ID : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->id = atoi(buf);
printf("Enter Start Year : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->startYear = atoi(buf);
printf("Enter Starting Salary : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->startSalary = atof(buf);
printf("Enter current Salary : " );
x = getline( &buf, &len , stdin);
buf[x-1] = 0;
//printf(" Got line %s , len %x , %d \n",buf,len, x);
nRec->currentSalary = atof(buf);
return nRec;
sEMPLOYEE* add_sEMPLOYEE_records(sEMPLOYEE* employeeList, sEMPLOYEE* rec)
if ( employeeList != NULL )
rec->next = employeeList;
return rec;
sEMPLOYEE* delete_sEMPLOYEE_record(sEMPLOYEE* employeeList ,unsigned int ID )
sEMPLOYEE* tmpNode = employeeList;
sEMPLOYEE* head = employeeList;
while ( tmpNode != NULL )
if ( tmpNode->id == ID )
pNode = tmpNode;
tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
// if found tmpNode
if ( tmpNode != NULL )
if ( pNode != NULL )
pNode->next = tmpNode->next ;
} else
// tmpNode is head
head = tmpNode->next ;
tmpNode->next = NULL;
return head;
void print_sEMPLOYEE_record(sEMPLOYEE * rec)
printf(" Employee ID : %d \n" , rec->id);
printf(" Employee last Name : %s \n" , rec->lastName);
printf(" Employee first Name : %s \n" , rec->firstName);
printf(" Employee Start year - %4d \n" , rec->startYear);
printf(" Employee start Salary : %.2f \n" , rec->startSalary);
printf(" Employee current Salary : %.2f \n" , rec->currentSalary);

sEMPLOYEE* sort_sEMPLOYEE_records(sEMPLOYEE * employeeList)
sEMPLOYEE* tmpNode = NULL;
sEMPLOYEE* head = employeeList;
sEMPLOYEE* tmp1Node = NULL;
bool flag = false ;
sEMPLOYEE* sortedList = NULL;
while ( head != NULL )
tmpNode = head ;
head = tmpNode->next ;
tmpNode->next = NULL;
tmp1Node = sortedList ;
pNode = NULL;
while ( tmp1Node != NULL )
if ( strcmp( tmpNode->lastName, tmp1Node->lastName) < 0 )
pNode = tmp1Node;
tmp1Node = tmp1Node->next;
if ( tmp1Node != NULL )
tmpNode->next = tmp1Node ;
if ( pNode != NULL )
pNode->next = tmpNode ;
} else {
sortedList = tmpNode ;
return sortedList;
int write_sEMPLOYEE_record(char* filename, sEMPLOYEE* employeeList)
FILE * fp = fopen(filename,"w");
if ( fp == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr," Cannot open file %s \n" , filename );
return -1;
sEMPLOYEE* tmpNode = employeeList;
while (tmpNode != NULL )
tmpNode->lastName,tmpNode->firstName, tmpNode->id,tmpNode->startYear, tmpNode->startSalary, tmpNode->currentSalary);
tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
return 0;
sEMPLOYEE* read_employee_record(char* filename, sEMPLOYEE* employeeList )
FILE * fp = fopen(filename,"r");
if ( fp == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr," Cannot open file %s \n" , filename );
return employeeList;
char line[1024];
char *buf = line ;
size_t len = 150;
int x = 0 ;
char *tok ;
char s[2] = ",";
sEMPLOYEE* nList = employeeList;
while ( getline(&buf , &len, fp) > 0 ) {
//printf(" read line - %s \n", buf);
nNode = (sEMPLOYEE*) malloc( sizeof(sEMPLOYEE) );
tok = strtok(buf,s );
//printf("Got tok %s \n",tok);
if (tok != 0 )
x = strlen(tok);
nNode->lastName = (char* ) malloc( sizeof(char) * x );
tok = strtok(NULL, s);
if (tok != 0 )
x = strlen(tok);
nNode->firstName = (char* ) malloc( sizeof(char) * x );
tok = strtok(NULL, s);
if (tok != 0 )
nNode->id = atoi(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, s);
if (tok != 0 )
nNode->startYear = atoi(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, s);
if (tok != 0 )
nNode->startSalary = atof(tok);
tok = strtok(NULL, s);
if (tok != 0 )
nNode->currentSalary = atof(tok);
nList = add_sEMPLOYEE_records(nList , nNode);
return nList;
void deleteRecord(sEMPLOYEE* rec )
if ( rec != NULL )
if ( rec->lastName != NULL)
free( rec->lastName );
//printf("Deleting last");
if ( rec->firstName != NULL)
free( rec->firstName );
//printf("Deleting fist ");
//printf("Deleting rec\n");
void deleteList(sEMPLOYEE* employeeList )
sEMPLOYEE* tNode = employeeList;
while (tNode != NULL )
pNode = tNode ;
tNode = tNode->next ;
int main()
sEMPLOYEE* recordList = NULL;
int input = 0 ;
char filename[25] ;
int id ;
sEMPLOYEE* tmpNode = recordList;
while ( input != 7 )
input = showMenu();
switch( input) {
case 1 :
xRec = create_sEMPLOYEE_record();
recordList = add_sEMPLOYEE_records(recordList,xRec);
case 2 :
printf(" Enter the Employee ID to search :");
scanf("%d" ,& id );
recordList = delete_sEMPLOYEE_record(recordList, id);
case 3:
recordList = sort_sEMPLOYEE_records(recordList);
case 4 :
tmpNode = recordList;
while(tmpNode != NULL)
tmpNode = tmpNode->next;
case 5 :
printf(" Enter the File to Write :");
scanf("%s" , filename );
write_sEMPLOYEE_record(filename, recordList);
case 6 :
printf(" Enter the File to Read :");
scanf("%s" , filename );
recordList = read_employee_record(filename, recordList);
case 7 :


Note: Could you please consider my effort on this work and give me a UPVOTE. Thank you :)

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