- Consider a drainage basin having 60 percent soil group B and 40
percent soil group C. Five years ago, the watershed land use
pattern was ½ wooded area with good cover and ½ pasture with good
condition. Now, the land use has been changes to 1/2 pasture land,
and 1/2 residential area (1/4-acre lot). Estimate the volume (In
inches) of increased runoff due to the land use change over the
past 5-year period for a storm with 6 in of rainfall under the dry
antecedent moisture condition (AMC I). (15
(Hint: assume soil and landuse are randomly inter-mixed.
So for pre-development, you have 4 landuse-soil combinations. After
land use change, you have 4 landuse-soil combinations. Try to use
Excel for Pe calculations)