
1. A 150 mM glucose stock is diluted 10 times in series, mixing 50 µL of...

1. A 150 mM glucose stock is diluted 10 times in series, mixing 50 µL of glucose and 25 µL of water each time. What are the glucose concentrations in wells # 3, 7 and 10?

Homework Answers

Answer #1

150mM stock glucose solution = moles of glucose/ volume of solution

every time 50uL of this is mixed with 25uL water.

so, moles of glucose = 150mM * 50uL = 7.5u moles

so, concentration in well1 = 7.5u moles / (25uL+50uL) =0.1M

so, moles of glucose = 0.1M * 50uL = 5u moles

So, concentration in well3 = 150m *50/75 *50/75 * 50/75 = 44.44mM

so,general formula = 150mM * (50/75)^n
where n is the number of well

So, concentration in well7 = 150m *50/75)^7= 8.78mM

So, concentration in well10 = 150m *50/75)^10= 2.6mM

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