could you ensure that all the spectroscopes created the same
calibration line and equation? What...
could you ensure that all the spectroscopes created the same
calibration line and equation? What...
could you ensure that all the spectroscopes created the same
calibration line and equation? What would you need to be sure that
was always the same? What could be changed without affecting the
Spectroscopes needs to be properly maintained in terms of
conditions it is operated in. Proper standards are used to
calibrate spectroscopes at regular periods of time.
All the spextroscopes must be run with same concentration
of standards to ensure all give same claibration curves and
equations thereof.
Light source used must be kept properly and be relaced in
case of non-functional condition. Also the cell used for
measurement must be clean and be kept in scratch free area. One can
change the solution concentration to be mesured without changing
the calibration.