1. what happens to the glucose that doesn't go into the Bowman's capsule?
2. what happens to the creatinine that doesn't go into the Bowman's capsule?
3. how would those aldosterone, anti-diuretic hormone, Atrial natriuretic peptide affect the pathway you laid out?
Aorta – Renal Artery – Segmental Artery – Interlobar Artery – Arcuate Artery – Cortical Radiate Artery –Afferent Arteriole – Glomerulus – efferent Arteriole – peritubular capillaries – cortical
radiate veins – Arcuate veins – interlobar veins – renal veins – inferior vena cava.
4 What is the path for water--to leave the kidney as urine.
Q1: A network of blood capillaries in kidneys is known as glomerulus, due to blood pressure different molecules like water, salts, waste products, amino acids and glucose comeout of it and enter into another structure Bowman's capsule (which is surrounding the glomerulus). However, glucose is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule of kidney nephron into the bloodstream and the waste products are secreted out in urine
Q2: Creatinine is thew waste product of protein metabolism and is excreted by the kidneys via glomerular filtration and the proximal tubule is involved in its excretion.
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